Watkins-Shepard Acquired by Schneider

Discussion in 'Watkins & Shepard' started by 3031, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    Left to my own devices I'd run 65-70 but there simply isn't enough time to run slower and keep it within 11 hours on some of these guaranteed overnight deliveries this guy I work for deals in. Personally I prefer his slower longer trips where I can back it off a touch and do things right, but if I get stuck with one of the fast ones it helps to have a truck with legs.
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  3. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    That's piss poor planning on his part... He shouldn't be playing and loads with such tight delivery windows that's a recipe for disaster
  4. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    I agree. He's still skating by on paper logs so we all know what that means. But he also leases all of his power units from Ryder so we also know what is going to happen pretty soon and it's going to be a problem for his operation. I've tried to tell him that on many occasions. Routines are stubborn things though.
  5. north cakalacki

    north cakalacki Light Load Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Louisville KY
    I've seen where schneider hasn't mad an acquisition since 05. They must see promise in the acquisition. now it just depends if its a full takeover or if they let ws keep their people to see how it affects everyone.
  6. TennMan

    TennMan Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Hazzard County Jail !!!!!
    My guess in 6 to 12 months Watkins &Shepard will no longer exist and Schneider will have completely taken over and changed it.
  7. Driver91

    Driver91 Medium Load Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Well that wouldn't make good sense for them to have just ordered brand new red trucks with Watkins logos on them would it? Cause it just happened.
  8. BackIsSore

    BackIsSore Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    Those trucks are promises that were currently ordered before the buyout and now finally being delivered. W/S will only be a memory in a few years.
  9. Slow Orange Pumkin

    Slow Orange Pumkin Bobtail Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    My Truck USA
    Plain and Simple, Your lives are about to change in a big way. Schneider is a low to mid paying company. Trucks governed at 60 mph. Anything above 60 with you foot on the pedal is over speed. Anything over 70mph Excessive over speed. No self installed power inverters . You can have one that plugs in the cigarette lighter plug as long as it is 400 watts or less. No 8/2 splits. You must take full 10hr breaks.No pets. All riders must be over 10 yrs old. insurance cost less than $10.00 per month. All drivers are auto enrolled in Per Diem package at a cost of .02 cpm . You must opt out if you don't want it. If you drive unsafe and someone calls in on you,it could be your last trip. Three critical events and it could be your last trip. Every year you have to go ride around at an terminal to re-certify that you drive safe. Any accidents and you are pulled in to a terminal and go through training. Top pay at 45 cpm north east region. every where else around .40cpm . Raises are hard to get. You must over 100% in certain categories. Here they are mpg,eta,fuel compliance,days worked. Anything less than 100% for the year all you get is between between 0-1.5 cpm .Miles are zip code to zip code . After 6 months you can order 2 free shirts for no cost. after a year you can order a free jacket. All trucks will have Qualcomm mcp 200 based units installed.I hope this merger goes well for all drivers. We are the ones who suffer at the cost of the big pockets books. Hope we all come out on the other side of the tunnel.
    Toomanybikes and LindaPV Thank this.
  10. Driver91

    Driver91 Medium Load Member

    Jun 28, 2015
    Well guess all we can do is wait and see. Most of the stuff you listed we were told they would not be integrated into Watkins. Now idk if that's true or what. All we can do is see.
    Seen a few changes so far but none have affected me at all. Nothing in my world has changed. Except where I fuel and shower more. Loves or pilot lol. Loves is still much better. Lol.
    Until they mess up my world I ain't to worried. When they do well guess I make the decision to deal or move on. Simple as that
  11. 3031

    3031 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    I had a nice emergency fund built up before the acquisition so I'm not worried. I'm just piling up more money until they do something unacceptable at which point I'll walk away. I'm already halfway out the door in my mind, so the longer things go without changing is just gravy to me.

    I do wonder whether they've had a lot of drivers quit, because it seems like dispatch has been extra nice to me since the takeover. I assume they're trying to stop the outflow of drivers so the business doesn't suffer.

    And just FYI for people who might not know, Schneider decided to close both the Missoula and Fontana shops. BRUTAL.
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