US AutoLogistics (USAL) Company info wanted

Discussion in 'Car Hauler and Auto Carrier Trucking Forum' started by Apollo, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. MooneyBravo

    MooneyBravo Heavy Load Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Vermilion, Oh
    I was considering driving for them around 2012. I talked to a driver who was there when they were Gulf States and he said " You don't want to work here. It all gone down hill and they used to be a good company but they made a lot of changes and have gone down hill." I have a lot of experience and they sent me a letter that said I didn't fit their bill. I have an unblemished record too so I figured it was because I wasn't green and teachable enough. In other words they prefer young drivers that they can pay less and convince that they have to pay their dues.
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  3. crb

    crb Road Train Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    I would disagree with that logic. There pay seems pretty fair to me. The drivers I've chatted it's love it there. They hire drivers it's plenty of experience.
  4. bamanation

    bamanation Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    Muscle Shoals ,AL
    LOL......You weren't green enough aren't teachable enough to accept low pay? Just by that one post I can tell that USAL's hiring team is doing a great job. What's with you Moore drivers? Everyone of the drivers that I've encountered has had this arrogant attitude. What you guys ought to be worried about is the amount of debt that Moore has gotten themselves into. That and the fact that they are cutting rates on top of that is a disaster waiting to happen.
    crb Thanks this.
  5. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    I doubt there is a company anywhere that at least one driver won't tell you it's not as good as it was back in "the good old days". Truck drivers seem to hate change. One of my close friends left Jack Cooper over a year ago to go to USAL. He is a hard runner, but he makes $2,000-$2,4000 every week and drives a nearly new rig. He also likes working there as they treat him well. I feel like $100,000 plus a year is good money for a company driver, but that is merely my opinion. I know in this area they have hired many seasoned carhaulers, some with 20 years experience. My buddy told me that they are limited now because of lack of equipment and are hiring as equipment becomes available.
    crb Thanks this.
  6. bamanation

    bamanation Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    Muscle Shoals ,AL
    They have hired some guys to run out of Princeton and Georgetown that are getting paid while waiting on equipment. It's been a great company to me and my family. I've been a steering wheel holder for about 13 years now. Two as a car hauler. Are there better companies out there? Maybe, but I'm not looking:)
  7. MooneyBravo

    MooneyBravo Heavy Load Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Vermilion, Oh
    All I can say is I love working at Moore Transport. I average $90,000 and have paid insurance. I pay $0. Paid holidays and no one micro managing my life. Great people to work with.
  8. Travisroland

    Travisroland Light Load Member

    Apr 2, 2015
    I've been with USAL for 90 days.I came here with 23 years in trucking but zero experience in car hauling.The trainers in Houston and in Birmingham have all been great.The USAL drivers have been helpful and friendly.All the loadmasters with the exception of one have been amazingly helpful and full of useful knowledge.I would have not survived without the help load master Hal in Lincoln.I've made some good friends since I came here.I was told that learning car hauling would be hard and it has been.They put me in a blue Western Star that has been in there shops for a total of 15 days.Plus 2 days broke down in Alexandria La in the 90 days I've had it.I'm wondering if learning this new trade would have been easyer in a different truck.Drivers keep telling me that if I master this truck I'll be a great car hauler.It's hard not to get discouraged with all the truck issues.I see the potential to make good money when my trucks not in the shop.I hope USAL is just going through growing pains and the equipment issues are going to improve.I have talked to a handful of our drivers with different levels of experience and they say they have equipment issues too.I've ran into some experienced car haulers that have come to USAL and they say they are happier here than where they came from.When I started this new trade I planned on giving it a year with USAL before I made any more job changes.This is just my fair experience here.I'm just trying to stay positive and survive the maintenance issues.
  9. MooneyBravo

    MooneyBravo Heavy Load Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Vermilion, Oh
    If you don't have good equipment you're going to have to work harder. I'm so glad I have a good truck. I've had some scrapers when I worked other places though. Moore is a company that listens to their drivers. They are very driver oriented and we have new trucks coming in every week. The older trucks are I. Good shape too.

    If they are not fixing your equipment, I would move on.
  10. Travisroland

    Travisroland Light Load Member

    Apr 2, 2015
    USAL's policy is that they don't pay you when your truck is in the shop at your home terminal and if there is a spare truck available you don't get paid.My terminal manager Brad has been understanding of my situation and got me paid.Being new to car haul I can't just start changing trucks when I have not mastered the truck I'm in.They really don't have any spare trucks in Birmingham anyway.They just said they are not hiring due to this but they are still taking applications
  11. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    I think once your equipment problems settle down, you will find a routine you will be happy with. I agree that when you are learning the job, the idea of truck hopping is not fun because anyone who has hauled cars knows that every rig is slightly different from the next. From what I know about USAL from several friends who work there, is that it is a well run outfit. They tell me that the guys that work hard don't have a shortage of work. A hard working experienced carhauler can make $2,000 a week there. That is what one of my close friends does every week. You have to have a long term mentality when looking at career jobs. If you have a few bad weeks because of breakdowns and you start job hunting you are going to regret it later. Even brand new trucks are going to breakdown every now and then.
    crb and bamanation Thank this.
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