Info on Transport America

Discussion in 'Transport America' started by redeye18, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. redeye18

    redeye18 Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    Can any current drivers answer a few questions?
    1. Can you fuel where and when you want?
    2. Do they route you or can you choose your route? Toll roads for example.
    3. Apu's? If not can you idle?
    4. How much drop and hook?
    Thank you.
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
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  3. btapper

    btapper Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    1. Pilot/flying j/loves/ta/petro, anywhere else only can get 50 gal for emergency
    2. I go the fastest hazmat legal way since that's all I haul. Pretty much anything not jit or hazmat you're not running ohio or indiana toll roads
    3. The old freightliners with the tiny sleepers have park smart, the newer ones with the big sleepers are opti idle, the kenworths have nothing and won't idle between I think 50-70 degrees. Mine doesn't work in my truck, so I just do whatever.
    4. Depends on the account, mine is all live loads and unloads at ppg, auto manufactures, and washouts.
    redeye18 Thanks this.
  4. redeye18

    redeye18 Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    Thank you. I seriously thinking about coming over in April. I would now, but I already have a family vacation planned and paid for in March.
  5. antoinefinch

    antoinefinch Light Load Member

    Jan 23, 2015
    Phenix City, Alabama
    WOW I THOUGHT they had APU'S especially on the T 680
  6. redeye18

    redeye18 Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    I called, recruiting said they have some Apu's. You can idle if there isn't one. Who knows. Lol.
  7. freebird1969

    freebird1969 Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    About how many miles do they average a wk OTR solo and if you are a student can you start out as a team if you have a partner of course after your training ? Thanks for any help in advance
  8. Claps1775

    Claps1775 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    Meridian, ID
    I did not drive to TA. I worked for them as a diesel tech. They are not bad to work for, just still to what they expect from you and do things their way. At the shop I worked at in North Liberty, IA. I took care of the drivers and who were out of there. Training is little for techs. I learned what I knew there from trial and error or online research. I did get some help from my friends from Truck Country. I know if you are a team, you will get taken better of. in 2014 when I left there. During that time, they did a $22k signing bonus for teams. I think it was a 9 month contract. Like most companies, work hard, stay on time, and you will get treated better. Biggest thing is do not let your rig get nasty inside, I never liked working in that. Freightliner fit system is nice to have installed and stay healthy. I seen some drivers run around the lot there at times. It always nice when a drive would bring in treats or a pizza. Makes you work harder to get them out. Last I knew, there Freightiners had a Parksmart unit for a/c and bunk heater for heat. You need to make sure you take care of the bunk heater or it will not work. Let it run for 15 minutes in the summer to keep it from clogging up. Never shut it down before 15 minutes. You need to let it burn the diesel fuel out of it. Same for the KW T680. They are nice inside and gives you a feel your not in a rig hehe. More windows but has little doors to keep things secured. We had a big problem when we first got them. Mainly was programming and needed to update things. As for pay, I am not sure on that. Loads, depends if you have a good dispatch. Make sure you know when you see a regen light on and cel/stop. Unit needs a regen. Try not to idle in the cold months as that will increase your regens and can derate you till one is done. You do not need a winter front on them as you can damage the motor. PRE TRIP!!!!! Make your life easy. You will have to at times change your own lights when on the road. The low beam light bulbs and be put the in the high beam and goes for the high beam light bulbs. You will need a crow-bar to pull nails out of the trailer floor. have a broom to to sweep the trailer. You may also get a trailer that no one pre-trip and you get shafted and getting something fixed. Do not thump the tires, use a gauge. Yes, thump is fine but if its 80 psi, get it filled or checked out. No need for a blow out. 5 minutes can save you hours of down time. Hope this helps.
    redeye18 Thanks this.
  9. Claps1775

    Claps1775 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2016
    Meridian, ID
    Forgot to add. last I knew, North Liberty fuel island was gone and they are closing that location, if not closed now. I think they might not have a contract with General Mills anymore. If you can get into Eco labs or Fex Ex, do it. But BUT stay on time. If you need repairs, make sure you have time before you walk in the shop. To many times drivers say I need this fixed, do you have 30 minutes, I do not have 30 minutes I have to go now, and they would argue with us the time it would almost take to repair what they asked. And, the Quall coms use cellular towers. 3G I think. I am not sure if they are on 4G. They are like phones, at times in the mountains, you will have no signal. Get your own GPS, the quall coms are okay but if you have your own with lifetime updates, you will better off than quall coms. Only how they get updates, is by the techs. k
    redeye18 Thanks this.
  10. Steel Dragon

    Steel Dragon Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    Any updates?
    Any intermodal drivers?
    I'm considering team.
    But don't have a team mate..they asked if I'd run solo.
  11. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    I ran for T/A in the early 2000's, and did solo; got home once every 2 weeks for a 48, passed by the house OFTEN for a ten. Brought home between 6 and 7 bens a week. Was a decent company to work for... back then. No current info; sorry. Equipment was always in great shape; my tractor and my trailer both.
    Left them to do FedEx/LineHaul teams... (<<< that's the part I couldn't handle.) $ was better, but teaming was my deal breaker.
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