H&R Transport

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Rat Fink, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. 25hz

    25hz Light Load Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Don't pretend to know what we think or expect as an industry standard, because I know I don't automatically expect to get screwed and I know there is no "standard", and I bet dragon doesn't assume that either. Now, I specifically ask about how "delays" are looked at and whether they are paid or not. That's what dragon did in his example, and all he got was narrow minded ######## from people like you. You were part of the "expert" train in this thread that just kept spouting "paid by the hour! Are you thick?!?! Why don't you get it?!?" Next time, just answer the question of the OP. It's obvious you and your thought-buddies need to lighten up, because from what I can tell, NO ONE has still answered his scenario. It's 3 simple yes or no answers to the three parts. Read and answer. Super simple. It might even broaden some of your minds.
    Dragon88 Thanks this.
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  3. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Did you research these companies you got screwed by prior to you starting working for them? Did you ask the drivers what it's like there? I stand by everything I've said. Even this one:

    Who #### in your cornflakes?
  4. not4hire

    not4hire Road Train Member

    May 16, 2012
    Questions regarding specific scenarios and a specific company were answered... can't help you with regard to "what if" scenarios with other companies.
    nate980 Thanks this.
  5. 25hz

    25hz Light Load Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Sure did look into the companies. Two small ones, and while even some of their own drivers didn't realize about, or experience some of the ########, the ones that did know about it, didn't say anything because they needed the job. As for standing behind what you said, goody for you. It's far more important and much easier to pretend you're right, than be right.

    Who #### in my cornflakes? Narrow viewed "experts" like you?
  6. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    I agree trucking can be a shady industry ... and yes you will see all sides of the spectrum here...
    It's a good thing you showed up to those companies where the drivers were unaware they were being screwed until you pointed it out to them.

    Now I feel like you are trolling .... and I'm really not in the mood ... good luck finding a company that doesn't screw you and have a good day...
  7. 25hz

    25hz Light Load Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Yes, well while sitting here waiting out as now storm, I'm listening to the same kind of arrogant people on the radio, quite convinced that they know everything about trucking, like you, and quite eager to dispense their narrow minded ######## to any or all.

    If you're not in the mood, poor thing, good. I know I won't miss your uninformed ########.
    Dragon88 Thanks this.
  8. Brucesmith

    Brucesmith Heavy Load Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    OTR trucking should not be Federal when it comes to labour standards. Every Province has a set of standards that all employers must follow. Overtime, etc. is covered. You cannot shift hours from one day to the next. The employer does not decide what you get paid for. You show up at a certain hour and the pay clock starts. It does not stop when you are fueling, etc. These regulations would have to be modified for drivers but it is doable. With Federal regs you have almost no rights. This is not 1920 and the Feds could change those regs. I am a former employer and it is not often that I give a "like" to Labour Departments!!!
    magoo68 Thanks this.
  9. Dragon88

    Dragon88 Light Load Member

    Nov 4, 2014
    Thanks 25hz for understanding. Its hilarious how we get accused of trolling for asking very simple questions regard

    8.04 Travel hours will be set by dispatch. Any extra hours will be approved by onsite supervisor or dispatch. Distances and time will be calculated using the most practical route using PC Miler. Disagreements regarding hours worked versus hours set by dispatch are subject to the provisions of this agreement.

    SCHEDULES "A" & "8" NOTES: 1. The Employer shall have the option at his discretion only, to adjust the rate of pay upwards for select Drivers' by taking into consideration one (1) or more of the following criteria: seniority, experience, performance, reliability. 2. The Employer shall have the option to flat rate special projects with the consent of the driver only and with notification to the un1on. 3. The company shall have the right to exercise the km rate or fixed rate for projects as outlined in Schedule "B". The Union shall be notified prior to exercising this provision. 4. Except where otherwise herein provided, the hourly rate for drivers will be as stipulated above.
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