Riverside transport RTI

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Ianoftardis, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Ianoftardis

    Ianoftardis Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Portland, or
    Hey everyone, finally decided to join the Forum after reading so many posts. Got to say theres been a lot of great and helpful information on this site which has helped me out a lot over the past two years. My situation right now is I'm looking to leave my current company due to personal reasons. I've been given a job offer with Riverside transport. I'm not going to do their leasing program just company driver they've offered me $0.41 a mile running I-5 corridor. anyone out there can give me an honest opinion of what they think of the company? I would most greatly appreciate it. Thanks
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  3. floatnlikefiber

    floatnlikefiber Light Load Member

    Oh the Reefer division in the Northwest that they just got going..... They seem like a decent company but you know that changes depending on who you talk to.....
    Ianoftardis Thanks this.
  4. Wooly Rhino

    Wooly Rhino Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    Liberty, Missouri
    Riverside is a company that is owned by the same folks that own Hirschbach. They are headquarter here in Kansas City. Good people. I have never worked for them but know a lot of the front office folks. From what I know of them I would recommend them.
  5. rpad139

    rpad139 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    .41 cents a mile ? what are the benefits like?

    They look like mainly a Midwest reefer company based off the website.
  6. Ianoftardis

    Ianoftardis Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Portland, or
    Yeah $0.41 a mile with a penny raise after 6 months as long as you are hitting your safety and productivity goals. Otherwise it's a penny raise a year. they're offering 401K medical dental vision. I'll talk to the recruiter tomorrow and get more information specific to benefits. They have three terminals Out in the midwest Kansas City Kansas, Chattanooga, and somewhere out in Kentucky. And they also have a terminal out of Centralia Washington for those running I-5 corridor.
  7. floatnlikefiber

    floatnlikefiber Light Load Member

    Who are you talking to (Recruiter)??? They run dry van also... Probably better than Roadrunner which bought out some reefer companies....
    They(Roadrunner)use to pay percentage now they are talking about going to per mile....
  8. Ianoftardis

    Ianoftardis Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Portland, or
    Talking to the recruiter. I know they'll will tell you anything you want to hear.
  9. floatnlikefiber

    floatnlikefiber Light Load Member

    Talk to Paul Gibson I think his wife is having a baby this week... but he is straight forward and doesn't sugarcoat anything..... They have a good reputation and seem to care about their drivers....
    Ianoftardis Thanks this.
  10. bigrig0907

    bigrig0907 Light Load Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    Yes...talk to Paul Gibson...he will tell you everything you want to know straight up...
    patsy Thanks this.
  11. bigrig0907

    bigrig0907 Light Load Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    I have also talked to some of their drivers that have been there for 5 years and up...they really seem to be legit...I'm signing up with them in the next few weeks...
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