Will a past suspended license prevent me from getting my CDL?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by mileysdad, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. Ubu

    Ubu Road Train Member

    Aug 25, 2012
    Rumored to be somewhere
    Of course you do. Why would you think a CDL would have less restrictions?

    After you get your drivers license reinstated you might want to inquire with some of the less picky trucking companies to see if they are willing to hire you before getting a CDL as depending on why your license was suspended it might take several years before anyone will conceder hiring you.

    What was it suspended for?
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  3. nightgunner

    nightgunner Road Train Member

    Jul 23, 2013
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    You will have had to have your DL reinstated for 18 months before you can apply. Being that you lost it to a DUI, you will have to wait 5 years from the reinstatement to apply.
  4. Jocko44

    Jocko44 Bobtail Member

    Jul 16, 2017
    Ok I live in Alabama and have a valid driver's license I took my CDL road test and passed so when I went to get my license they said I was suspended in New York so my question is as long as I pay off the tickets in New York I should be good to go? The only thing is my permit is about to expire.
  5. Diversity

    Diversity Bobtail Member

    Feb 21, 2018
    My name is Henry. Im interested in driving trucks. I have one problem though. I lost my license for not paying a ticket. Question is when I pay for the ticket, and get my license reinstated can I go to a truck driving school
  6. Slay33

    Slay33 Bobtail Member

    May 27, 2018
    Wassuo guys, so here’s my story.... my learners permit was suspended but I jus paid it off n got my license.. I’m askin you guys will my learners permit suspension pop up anyway when going for a cdl job?

    Would appreciate if you got back to me ASAP!!!
  7. HiphopTrucker

    HiphopTrucker Bobtail Member

    Aug 9, 2018
    I got a Suspended DL because of failing to pay the fine (Yeah my Dumb self forgot about it) I paid if off in less than 30 days and was reinstated in 24 hours. However Prime inc just rejected me and told me i have to wait 3 years. The ticket was for a rolling stop but i took care of it. Is there a company that will take me on?
  8. wmattox

    wmattox Bobtail Member

    Dec 11, 2018
    im asking for a friend, he is trying to find a career with driving trucks but his licenses are suspend and he has traffic tickets
    is there any hope or could someone point us in the right directions
  9. Badmon

    Badmon Heavy Load Member

    Oct 6, 2014
    Deep south
    1 thing at a time man. Before even considering getting into this field your "friend" ought to take care of his outstanding traffic tickets and get his license off suspension. I'm talkin before he even weighs any of his options. Because at this point he has absolutely none without at least the bare minimum essentials in hand, eg. a class c driver's license
  10. gertrudeperkins99

    gertrudeperkins99 Bobtail Member

    Oct 19, 2019
    I just have a question my husband was suspended for back child support and with in that time he was caught driving 3 times on a suspended license. He wants to get his CDL and wants to know if there is any company that will pick him up when he gets his license back.
  11. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Child support will suspend professional money making licensing like CDL, Plumber etc until it's paid. Unfortunately the way it's set up it pretty much ensures that whoever it is suspending against is probably going to destroy that person economically sooner or later.

    If his CDL was suspended on support issues and CAUGHT driving on that suspended CDL? That tells me hes probably finished.

    You can only be suspended like twice on a CDL before it's finished. Probably for life depending on the violation. The child support will come out of his minimum wage dish washing fast food job until kid is 18 however small that is.

    Thats the bad thing about CDL suspensions. They really do damage towards a permanent ban on those in one's lifetime.

    The lawyer needs to be invovled and will decide whats possible. But arrested three times on a suspended CDL? That's just a outrageous action that tells the state the first suspension has no meaning and it is likely he will not have a chance getting another. If at all.

    As always there is never enough information to really drill down and see whats what here. I could be wrong and we'll see how it goes. Worse case scenario he buys a bike and goes being a dishwasher somewhere.
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