Leased on with celadon

Discussion in 'Celadon' started by Classified 007, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. Classified 007

    Classified 007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    For some of you peps that want to lease through Quality leasing and then lease on with Celadon..Hmmm...Quality leasing,if your looking at at used truck,have it check it out,Dyno test..That's on you...or if you can lease a newer truck...I leased a 2016 international prostar with a CUMMINS motor(DEF)(BLUE) on November 2015 with 26 miles,It now has 220,000 miles with no problems..Payments 660 a week for 364 weeks with a dollar buy out...yeah ouch..I have no intention on buying the truck,just renting a truck with no problems....So I've been leased on with celadon and I like to plan my Own way on FreightRover,it's an app that celadon has,Freight is posted on this app,but not all there freight like high risk loads,etc..Freight on this app,is like any load board,freight comes and goes,Especially the high dollar freight,spend some time on this app...Try to find a triangle ...My last 10 weeks...Revenue $30,312,, miles 23083..avg $1.30 a mile...avg rev a week $3031....avg expenses a week $1682($965 truck,insurance,Qualcomm,etc..fuel $717.)...Clear after expenses avg $1349 a week,...avg miles a week 2300..I don't like to run to hard...Old,lazy,lol.....Celadon overall is just okay..3 stars out 5..They do need to make some changes..also know it's a business,At celadon,the DMs,planners are like a car salesman,trying to sell you a 1985 yugo and saying it's just as good as a 2018 Range Rover lol take the freight you want....Maybe this info helps you out in making a decision...Good luck,and stay away from my loads lol...peace...It's all about your attitude yup
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
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  3. rabbiporkchop

    rabbiporkchop Road Train Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Wapwallopen, Pa
    It would be interesting to see what your take-home is after paying for medical and dental insurance for your family.
  4. Classified 007

    Classified 007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    My medical insurance is $75 a week ,have it through celadon which is deducted from settlement,that's included in expenses...Peace
  5. rabbiporkchop

    rabbiporkchop Road Train Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Wapwallopen, Pa
    What's the yearly deductible?
  6. Eddiec

    Eddiec Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    $660 X 364 weeks = $240,240. What about your maintenance and repair fund, where is the revenue for that going to come from?
  7. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    How nice of them to give you a dollar buy out
    After spending a quarter of a million dollars
    On a truck.

    If your gonna show us your best month,
    Then show us your worst month also.
    Don't give us half the story like all lease drivers do.
    Show the other side so the next guy ain't suckered
    Into believing that's what there gonna make everyweek.
    jeff18 and driverdriver Thank this.
  8. Classified 007

    Classified 007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    This is what I average a week every ten weeks...Some drivers make more ,some make less ,some have more expenses,some have less...Often you only here the negative about companies or leasing companies,especially celadon and quality leasing...It's all about working hard,running smart,and attitude....Take the information I gave or don't.......Yes it is alot of money if you plan to buy...I DO NOT,,I'm just renting of piece of equipment....It's all good ...good luck lol peace
  9. driverdriver

    driverdriver Road Train Member

    May 30, 2011
    Averaging 1.30. ' is ' a negative.
    Unfortunately you don't understand that.
    HalpinUout Thanks this.
  10. Classified 007

    Classified 007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    Maintenance fund is .05 a mile...I avg 2300 miles a week my avg maintenance fund $115 a week,included with all my expenses....good luck
  11. Classified 007

    Classified 007 Bobtail Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    Okay buddy you a have nice day...Lmao good luck peace LMAO
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