Waste Management questions for drivers

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Roadranger6155, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Roadranger6155

    Roadranger6155 Bobtail Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    Hey guys and gals, Im new here and my name is Russ. Im looking to gather some more information about working as a CDL drvier for Waste Management here in Florida near the Orlando area. I recently applied and have a phone interview next week. Does anybody have experience working at Waste Management or in the one in Oralndo area? How much do they pay?(I applied for the CDL Driver residential). What EXACTLY does the CDL Driver residential do? How are the benefits and how much do I pay into them(no family just me)? Thank you!
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  3. Rn8806

    Rn8806 Light Load Member

    Sep 14, 2016
    You applied for the job and don't know what it pays ?
  4. Roadranger6155

    Roadranger6155 Bobtail Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    When you apply online It does not say what the pay rate it
    elamigowapo Thanks this.
  5. Idahojoel

    Idahojoel Light Load Member

    Jan 17, 2018
    Phoenix Arizona
    Residential is probably automated side loader I interviewed for a job with them in Arizona in 2013 or 14 and thats what it was.
    Benifits seemed pretty decent if I remember right they had really great health insurance
    Try Glassdoor i don’t know about Florida but I think they start around $18-19per hour but they were getting 55-60 hours a week around here enjoy that rear facing camara
  6. intrepidor

    intrepidor Medium Load Member

    Aug 24, 2017
    Western Iowa
    Can't have any thing to drink or eat in the cab as well as the driver facing cameras.
  7. Idahojoel

    Idahojoel Light Load Member

    Jan 17, 2018
    Phoenix Arizona
    Ha no thanks on that b.s.
    RockinChair and KB3MMX Thank this.
  8. Roadranger6155

    Roadranger6155 Bobtail Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    $18-$19/hr is not bad if that is the case here in Florida. Not sure how reliable Glassdoor is but the website was telling me that in the Orlando area they make $19/hr as a driver. Not sure if I'd want to do residential driver or roll off driver.
  9. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    Roll off all the way. Better trucks more space, ect.. no neck ache or motion sickness from watching a mirror all day with the herky jerk of the arm...
  10. Roadranger6155

    Roadranger6155 Bobtail Member

    Feb 2, 2018
    I've never driven a roll off,I have a class B with experience driving fire engines,buses and straight truck refers. how hard is it to learn roll off for someone who has never done it before?
  11. Grumppy

    Grumppy Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    West Monroe, La
    I worked for WM for 11 years in roll-off.

    I'll say this. They have pretty good pay scale & excellent benefits. The trick is staying employed with them. They have high.... let me say that again... h-i-g-h turn over rate in residential & a fairly high turn over rate in other positions.

    Let me ask you to pay attention to the employment ads, most anywhere you want to look. WM runs ads daily... let me say that again.. d-a-i-l-y. There is a reason for that.

    Heed my warning. Its virtually impossible to keep a job with WM.
    RockinChair, stuckinneutral and KB3MMX Thank this.
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