Maybe instead of posting who's bad, easier to say who's good?

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by DaZeDnCoNfuSeD, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. jodyj54

    jodyj54 Light Load Member

    Mar 15, 2018

    Take a look at some of the older truckstop photos and see how the drivers are dressed. I can honestly say, that back in the early 70's, my brother used to pump fuel at a small truckstop in Pennsylvania and we would watch the truckers pull-up for fuel. About 90% of the time, they were wearing a collared shirt, casual dress jeans and hard-soled shoes. They looked more like a company salesman is the best way to describe them. They were clean-cut with combed hair and looked like they deserved respect. Otherwise, they had on a cowboy hat, blue jeans and some kind of western shirt-still decent looking and worthy of respect. We would talk to all of them, and they were well-spoken and friendly. Drivers were quite different and as mentioned dressed quite differently. These drivers we called/call acting and dressed like that/this- was/is..'old-school'. The best way to depict them is to look at the attached photo of the driver getting into his truck. You will notice no sandals or earings on him and his collared shirt. I started driving when there were mostly cabovers on the road and people like the old schoolers were aplenty. Those were the glory years of trucking. 1474433_616380688422497_225732405_n (1)233.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
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  3. TheyCallMeDave

    TheyCallMeDave Heavy Load Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    You've certainly got that right.

    Couldn't have said it any better. The time's I've gone to interviews, I let it be known upfront that my record is clean, I have experience running various trailers/freight and I have 5 other companies I could call right now and get a job. (You get the point) I'm not some super trucker, but I've come to realize what I possess skill wise and what I feel is appropriate in return from an employer. If they're not offering what I feel is "fair" then I'm gone. At most all you need to do is show me how you want the paper work done, then you can cut me loose on my own. Easy, peasy. I'm about the easiest employee you can hire, shoot it to me straight up front regarding the schedule, equipment I'll be running and pay and I'm good to go.

    Keep it simple and stream line and leave me the hell alone to do my job and you wont hear a peep out of me. You start dicking me around and I'll head for the door without second guessing it. There's too many companies out here to accept nonsense. I interview the company just as they interview me, and regardless of where I'm working, I always browse the job ads because there could be something better out there that better fits your needs, but you never know if you don't look. I don't let myself get content. I treat everyday at my employer like it could be my last, because here in Texas it's (at-will) and if they employer sees fit to fire because they woke up on the wrong side of the bed then so be it, but if I encounter something that I will not tolerate, then I can fire them on the spot, just the same. I have goals and if it means moving from here to there, then I'll do it. I know that might not be popular opinion, but life's short and I'll do what I have to, to get to my ultimate end goal. Different strokes, as they say. Too many companies, even local outfits try to lure you in with nonsense only to change it up on you the second you start. I've seen it first hand and the second you bow your heard and accept it, they know they can bs you further because you've already accepted the crap.
    jodyj54, tman78, Surfer Joe and 3 others Thank this.
  4. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Here we go again...……….
    88 Alpha Thanks this.
  5. plankton

    plankton Medium Load Member

    Jan 9, 2015
    I'm a content driver (more so than most of my coworkers, for sure) and appreciate Joe's perspective. Not offended at all ... and actually think he's right. He's probably talking about a different type of trucking than you do ...
    Surfer Joe Thanks this.
  6. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Heavy Load Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Cape Ann, Massachusetts
    Shame on you Mack.
    This poor kid (and so many others like him) is about to make a huge mistake... and you know it.
    Yet, you could care less.... as long as you live under the illusion that you are always correct.
    You're not.
    I can only hope this kid keeps posting here long after he quits his job due to the horrendous conditions he's about to experience, and that he tries to warn others not to waste their time and money the way he and so many others were duped into....
    Thanks in no small part to petty tyrants like yourself.
    tman78 Thanks this.
  7. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    And why would we believe that what you say is always correct? Because maybe, just maybe, you had an OTR job that sucked? Or maybe you had a local driving job that sucked? Or you worked in the deli at Piggly Wiggly, and it sucked?
    So any job that you tried, and failed at, sucked, and anyone that attempts employment at said jobs is destined to fail? Because you did?

    Ever think it might have been YOU, and not the job?
  8. plankton

    plankton Medium Load Member

    Jan 9, 2015
    Not wanting to argue with the site moderators / road train members but what exactly was incorrect in what Joe stated about working for many of the large OTR companies. Most Americans would agree the average pay per hour worked sucks, especially when you consider all the other sacrifices made being otr, among other issues
    a-trucker123 Thanks this.
  9. plankton

    plankton Medium Load Member

    Jan 9, 2015
    the turnover rates at these companies would suggest that they bear much of the blame
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
    tman78 Thanks this.
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    No, I don’t know it, and neither do you, so stop presuming to think you know what’s best for others.

    Quite the contrary. If I didn’t care instead of sharing what I’ve learned over my 17 years in this job I’d be like other malcontents around here who complain constantly and offer little if anything in the way of substantive advice.

    Here we go again. Like I said, haters gonna hate. :rolleyes:

    Just because the trucking business happened to suck for you is in no way whatsoever any sort of guarantee that someone else will have the identical experience your crystal ball seems to interminably predict.

    Furtthermore, this is The Truckers’ Report. We talk about the trucking business in all forms. Where would we all be if we decided to take your advice and just hang up our keys? We certainly wouldn’t have much of a little community here then, would we?

    This incessant trolling from you is really becoming rather tiresome, and it’s time to tell you to either back off, or find another site that would benefit from your “wisdom” because they might not know how miserable they’re all supposed to
  11. TheyCallMeDave

    TheyCallMeDave Heavy Load Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    It just got serious in here. TGIF thought right?
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