Covenant trainers - I have questions for you

Discussion in 'Covenant' started by MBAngel, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. MBAngel

    MBAngel Medium Load Member

    Apr 1, 2018
    Tucson, Arizona
    I'd love to discuss how covenant trains teams. I'm curious how that works, training 2 ppl with one trainer in one truck. How long does this take?

    I think I understand that normally a trainer training one trainee, the trainer would do the driving for the first few days (week or two?) to show the trainee what to do. Then, the trainer is "on duty" while watching the trainee drive and giving tips and hints. Then, after a couple weeks of that, they can move to a more "team type" driving situation until the trainer feels the trainee is ready, or until a certain specified number of hours have been driven.
    Is this right guys? I'm being specific to Covenant really.

    How does the sleeping situation work? Would the trainees split the time behind the wheel until trained? Would it be more like solo driving,even with 3 in the truck, or would it be more like a team driving operation?

    Feel free to pm me if you are willing to talk about it with me, thanks :)
    Gatorgrl Thanks this.
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Here's a couple of them that post on here; maybe they'll give you some answers.
  4. Rollr4872

    Rollr4872 Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2018
    I’ve been wondering about this too, I’ve heard of one other company that runs two trainees with one trainer and I just can’t figure out how that’d work. It doesn’t seem ideal three people in a truck at one time, and I feel like the training would really be lacking, but who knows. Maybe it’s done in a way that actually somehow works.
    tscottme and MBAngel Thank this.
  5. sherlock510

    sherlock510 Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2011
    Sounds like the wrong type of threesome in my opinion.
  6. Justrucking2

    Justrucking2 Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2017
    Plymouth MI
    "How does the sleeping situation work?" Well, it all depends on how you look. ;-)

    Get your training solo, get with the hubby after all of that is completed. I heard Schneider is offering a $30,000 sign on bonus for teams. might want to look there.
    LtlAnonymous and MBAngel Thank this.
  7. Thull

    Thull Medium Load Member

    Dec 7, 2015
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    MBAngel Thanks this.
  8. MBAngel

    MBAngel Medium Load Member

    Apr 1, 2018
    Tucson, Arizona
    Thanks for the laughs guys^^ and the advice. I'll get the real answers eventually, lol.

    I'm not sure why, if teams, especially husband and wife teams, are so valuable, why they don't do more to train them together? There have got to be ways to not separate ppl for 2 months... Like, one company said they'd train us basically local, home every night, but still with separate trainers, and that seems acceptable. But this "Oh sure, you want to team and be together, so we'll make you spend the first 2 months apart" thing is just weird... Or a company that could say "We could get you trained in two weeks". So far, we're top of our class in school, and fast learners, so... How long does this training usually take? Am I totally off with the 2 months thing?
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  9. MBAngel

    MBAngel Medium Load Member

    Apr 1, 2018
    Tucson, Arizona
    How long did your training take guys? Am I right about how long this stuff takes?
  10. Omega7777

    Omega7777 Medium Load Member

    May 21, 2018
    i saw a youtube video of this couple that trained with covenant and i thought they said the trainer basically live full time on the passenger seat. i dont know how is it legal unless the trainer doesnt log in the qualcom and consider to be a passenger. the hardest part is how in the world the trainer would able to do this, must be getting a lot of extra money......
    MBAngel Thanks this.
  11. Gatorgrl

    Gatorgrl Light Load Member

    Aug 25, 2018
    Good question as i am looking to do this too.
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