Another Watkins Shepard Thread

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by harley4life, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. lv gn

    lv gn Heavy Load Member

    Jun 23, 2008
    las vegas nv.
    this is so true! after getting back in trucking after a 15 yr. reset. i drive a 06 pete with a 475 cummings. no pyro. and no boost gauge? ok i know i could get better fuel milage and not over heat the turbo if i can just watch these 2 gauges. this is what i do when hauling my race car trailer with my duramax. i down shift the pete at 1500 rpm's because that where it pull's the best. i started asking about the isx motors. someone told me to lug it down to 1250 rpm's. i just cant see doing this! it dosnt seem to pull down that low and the turbo must be at 3000 dec.!! i cant understand why they stopped putting these 2 gauges in the trucks?? i think they are as importent as the oil and temp gauges.
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  3. Red Fox

    Red Fox Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2009
    Acworth, Ga.
    Perhaps many of the 'new breeds' won't ever be able to figure them out?
    I'd use the turbo to help with fuel economy, but no pyro means you don't know when something is really wrong. That water jacket won't show hot until damage is already done.
  4. nwcamaro

    nwcamaro Bobtail Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    Clackamas Oregon
    How much are there 30 day classes? is there a contract to work so long to pay for the school?

  5. soon2betrucking

    soon2betrucking Road Train Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    Philadelphia, Pa
    the 30 day class is around 2,300 -/+ a few. im prob wrong. 250 down.
    no contract. i did 6 months of truck driving school. over 480 hours, and had a known that w.s has the 30 school i would have been here.
  6. B-rad

    B-rad Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2007
    Eugene, OR
    The W&S 30 day class cost is $4,000 and you do sign a contract if you finance it through Transportation Alliance Bank.
  7. soon2betrucking

    soon2betrucking Road Train Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    Philadelphia, Pa
    well, like red-fox said in the other wksh post, they no longer finance the school for you. this just took place this week.
    just thought id post it on this thread as well.
  8. wilsont777

    wilsont777 Bobtail Member

    May 19, 2014
    Can you tell me hows the experience to till date. Which is the most difficult thing you face during the training period and what you doing these days and which city.

    Westland MI Locksmith
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