New owner op pay?

Discussion in 'Dart' started by Box of Tj, May 21, 2019.

  1. Box of Tj

    Box of Tj Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    I don't exactly keep a close eye on DART but as I understood it, it paid by mile just like most other companies at around a $1 per mile... But I got an email about a dedicated position a(d totally unrelated to my question)t check out their website and just happened to see they're doing 65% now?!? Anybody have insight on this? Like, USEFUL insight and not just trash talk?
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  3. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    $1 per mile will not work.
    Dave_in_AZ and S M D Thank this.
  4. Box of Tj

    Box of Tj Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    That's not an answer to a question I asked
  5. Ash1978

    Ash1978 Bobtail Member

    Mar 12, 2019
    Brother good luck getting a grown man answer on here. I've asked questions to and all these jokers do is Dick around. You would swear this sight was made to help each other out with knowledge, but you have idiots on here that's not even truckers at all commenting. If I had the answer to your question I would answer to the best of my knowledge brother. I hope someone sees your question that have the knowledge and responds back maturely enough to educate you on what your asking. Good luck brother, and be safe on the road...
    JOHNQPUBLIC, Aamcotrans and Box of Tj Thank this.
  6. S M D

    S M D Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2012
    sacramento ca
    I think it was a well fit answer for his question.

    1$ isn’t gonna cut it. #### thieves
    Opus and Dave_in_AZ Thank this.
  7. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    The site does help each other out. They give honest answers. Some of you just don't like or want to accept those answers.

    $1 per mile. ISN'T GOING TO WORK.

    That WAS the answer to the question you asked.
    spyder7723 Thanks this.
  8. Box of Tj

    Box of Tj Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    Let me re-iterate and clarify for those that can't read. Their website NOW SAYS THEY DO 65% OF REVENUE. DOES ANYBODY HAVE INSIGHT ON THEM CHANGING THEIR PAY PACKAGE TO 65%???
    Aamcotrans Thanks this.
  9. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Ask if anyone actually sees the load pay to verify that they do indeed get 65%. Which is still a big cut.
    Western flyer Thanks this.
  10. Ash1978

    Ash1978 Bobtail Member

    Mar 12, 2019
    It's not that some of us don't like the a answers given, it's that some answers is rude and off topic. If you don't have information that can point the driver in the right direction then keep your response to yourself. We could take positive and negative feedback, but some of you on here just try shutting people down. Misery loves company is all I'm saying. Some people on here can't get work and try shutting others dream down because theirs have failed. Me on the other hand can say this, no matter what kind of feedback these idiots give, it won't discourage me. So to the brother asking the question, keep the faith, someone will answer back with some kinda sense. Until then keep on trucking and stay safe out there...
  11. Ash1978

    Ash1978 Bobtail Member

    Mar 12, 2019
    Now my response wasn't just based on the answer given. It was based on what I've been noticing throughout this forum, people not particularly this post always have something negative to say. Yes I do agree $1 is not enough, all he can do is keep looking and hoping someone answers his question the way he sees fit.
    Stay bless, keep on trucking, and be safe out there.
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