Flatbed to Linehall....the adventure continues at YRC

Discussion in 'YRC' started by JimTheHut, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    Turned in my resignation this morning. This company is definitely not a good fit for me. I did not mention this before, but there were several times that I had to go get the truck fixed from the ready line, because the yard guys did not do their job and check for leaks on the trailer. The last one was about a foot long slice on a brake line. As soon as I put air to it, you heard a massive leak. No way someone doing their job would not have noticed it. Three different times, there was not sufficient fuel in the truck that I had to go get fueled.
    So I am off to something else. ABF is a much better choice if you want to do line haul! I am presently waiting for the background checks with another company hauling fuel!
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  3. Njhandofdoom

    Njhandofdoom Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    sorry it didnt workout at YRC. Hope you find something that works for you. I was wondering how the break down is for how they pay you at Yrc? l was looking at them and can not find something as simple as how you get paid. do you get paid per mile and hourly for other parts of the job? Thanks for any info
    JimTheHut Thanks this.
  4. Humblepie

    Humblepie Pontificator

    Dec 25, 2018
    Wow less than a month. Not how I figured this thread was going to go.
    bzinger, roel1177 and JimTheHut Thank this.
  5. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    I can size something up pretty quick!
    No one from the company ever sat down with me or gave me a hand out of what the pay was. my buddy who went to abf received all of that info. I believe it was .53 a mile, but that differed based on what you were pulling. Then if you did work it was around $23 an hour. Once I get my first pay I can let you know for sure.
  6. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Sorry to hear it didn’t work out at YRC, but that’s no fault of yours. I have also heard the same as @runningman0661 life on YRC extraboard is just that, in terms of that’s your life.
    From a documentary stand point though, another well written and finely detailed write up though on your part. One thing I didn’t realize is they swapped tractors at their meet points. I guess I don’t understand that logic. It seems like for one, it’d be a bigger hassle for the drivers, and for two I would think it would be a headache of what tractor is at what terminal and keeping track of service intervals. Not to mention the unfortunately all to common driver concept of if something is in ill repair, “well it’s not my problem now”.
    I think you made the right choice in severing ties with them, and I wish you best of luck in your future endeavor. Despite being under the weather, hope you and yours had a happy and safe 4th of July.
  7. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    On call 24 hours a day,7 days a week.
    Phone rings, drop whatever your doing
    And be to work in 2 hours.
    And you might have to do a 14 hour
    Shift at that.

    That’s madness the way they operate.
    No wonder there always hiring.
    You have no idea when to sleep
    So you can be ready to work.
  8. thetourman

    thetourman Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2012
    I enjoy reading your post. Wherever you go please start another thread and I will subscribe.
  9. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    Thanks all for the kind remarks! The new company is Mansfield Energy. I will be hauling fuel.....going to use all of my endorsements...
  10. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    In order to remain fair and objective, I believe that I must add this. If you are young and have 30 years left to go and you want to have a career at one company, then the YRC's and ABF's are worth it. Because you have a future where you are going to have it very easy and make great money. You can get through the terrible years of being on the extra board knowing that it is temporary. In my case, I may never have gotten off of the extra board and I did not want to live that life.
    It is all about choices and compromise! Which is what it is in any career that you may choose!
    I have been honest, but I have not told all of the gory details...you all get my thoughts that this was not the place for me....it may be right for you. I came from Maverick who is totally organized, lets you know everything that you are going to do and trains you on everything to a company that provides very little if any training, tells you nothing and wants you to be at their beckoned call 24-7 and will ask you to run a full 14 hr shift with no sleep.
    I am looking forward to my next job. I will be paid Salary. Will work 16:30 to 04:30 Sunday through Thursday. I am going to have 4 to 6 weeks of training with another driver who trains. I will be home on the weekends during training and home every night once I go solo. A former Maverick Driver got me this job. He has been there for 5 years and loves it. So I think I will be good to go...but time will tell. Peace and God Bless!
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