Arrow Trucking Need Info..

Discussion in 'Arrow' started by jessejames, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. Tanner

    Tanner Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2009
    48 States
    Hey Optimu5,

    Its so awesome to hear that your doing so great with Arrow. I love the company myself and have seen so many downs with them... But to hear of the 10mil. that they just put into the company to better the business ontop of the equipment is awesome.

    It also helps if you have a caring and hard working DM with Arrow. Thats why they were doing a lot of the firing not long ago. I'm glad to see them gone to better the company. And you really came in at the right time, cause last year was pretty bad with the economy falling apart.

    It was stated that the flatbed industry was going to loose up to 40% of there fright last year, which the winter time was really harsh. What extra you made last summer, you had to use to make it through the winter.

    And to anyone with statements of trucks being carried off by wreckers, its because they are either retiring that truck and or it is getting transported to garages to be fixed.

    With all the downsizing Arrow just went though (including garage workers) they have to get the trucks out to help get them fixed thanks to the 10mil they just invested into the company.

    But anywho.. Best of luck for whomever chooses to work with Arrow. Every company, (EVERY COMPANY) has there up and downs, wrongs and rights. No one or company is perfect.

    But it also helps that you have an awesome DM :D

    Take care, drive safe and keep the rubber down ;)
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  3. ThatboyB

    ThatboyB Bobtail Member

    Jun 2, 2009
    I heard the least purchase program is finished is that true
  4. txranger28

    txranger28 Bobtail Member

    May 25, 2009
    Baltimore, MD
    Thanks Optimu5! wow, you had the best posts with Arrow and then they just stopped! Anyway, I appreciate your help!

    How many miles (average) are you getting a week? I was told 1700-2500 from a recruiter.

    With the recent $10 mil I've read about, do you think they'll will invest in some new equipment? I've heard stories of the tarps, the trucks..etc

    How often do you get home? What does the company want you to run before asking for home time?

    Thanks again, keep up the great posts.
  5. ThatboyB

    ThatboyB Bobtail Member

    Jun 2, 2009
    optimus tell me whats going on with the lease purchase would you
  6. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    Well I sorta know the VP of arrow and ive sat and talked to him several times and I can only tell you what he told me now it could be smoke and mirrors I have no clue. He even acknowledge how arrow was cheap on maintaining there fleet and now there paying for it with constant repairs. But what he did tell me is they are looking to slowly replace the older trucks with new freighliners. when? i have no idea he alsaid they he wants to invest in APU's. I know the guy over the tarp shop and from what he said there going to be doing something different with tarps that he says will be very nice chance cause yes these lumber tarps suck a fat one.
    home time is weird rly depends on ur DM. I think they want a min of 2 weeks out but like a month before u go home.

    as for the lease program yes they still have it. i mean i would think so cause they lease guy still has an office and comes to work everyday lol. only big change recently was they have no pet policy now. so unless your grandfathered in you cant work for arrow and have a pet.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  7. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    crud I didnt tell you about miles did i lol. id say atleast 2500 miles. I went from nashville to knoxville empty for a load they went to seattle wash then from there to Michigan then back home lol. If you want miles it seems they have them... for now anyways
  8. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    and as far as the 10mil they invested goes that can be tricky. When I talked to donny it was a vague subject. What they did was split our HEavy Haul away from Arrow to make it a seperate company. What I am not clear on is if the 10mil will be for that or to help arrow get new equipment....
    txranger28 Thanks this.
  9. Joker213

    Joker213 Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    Bronte, TX
    How long is there securement training for experienced drivers? Is it good training?
  10. txranger28

    txranger28 Bobtail Member

    May 25, 2009
    Baltimore, MD
    Thanks Optimu5, as usual, great post.

    What is your plan? You've put some time in there, are you going somewhere else or do you plan on staying longer?
  11. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    It's one day. I learned enough to never have anything come loose or shift. They teach you the basics and how they want it done then test you on it on trailers they have in a building there. It's pretty straightforward.
    Joker213 Thanks this.
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