Wife Starting CDL school, husband CDL driver in oilfield with 10 years experience want to team

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Herbertscandrive, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. Herbertscandrive

    Herbertscandrive Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2019
    Hi, I'm starting CDL school at our local college on the 28th. I got my permit myself through studying and going to the DMV. I'm just taking the driving portion of the college class to get my licence.

    My husband has been driving for 10 years in the oilfield here in New Mexico, he has a class A with hazmat and is currently hauling fuel to fracs. He's never driven over the road.

    Now that our youngest is 18, our goal is to be team drivers, we are willing to relocate if the company is right. But would prefer to stay on the west/Midwest side of the country.

    Here's my question, my husband has a really good job currently, should I work independently for a while to get experience before us applying as a team somewhere? Since he has a ton of driving experience just not "OTR" would he still have to be trained, I'm assuming yes, would anyone hire us? Me fresh from School him with no OTR experience?

    I've read so many wonderful stories of team drivers making awesome money and paying off their house, is that all a dream? lol

    I come from a whole family of truckers and a have been over the road with my dad growing up. I'm sure we can handle the team driving, as we prefer each other's company all the time anyway.

    Any company recommendations for us to contact? We are in Farmington New Mexico, if we were to relocate somewhere, out of Utah would be awesome as we have a lot of family there.
    Thanks so much for your time helping out a dreaming newbie!
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Your husband will just need a little refreshing with a company, the then two of you can team.
    In New Mexico:
    Decker Truck Line : www.deckertruckline.com
    [​IMG] Teams
    Want to drive with a friend? Our teams not only assist with delivering tight loads in a timely manner, but many of our teams are in a mix of dedicated reefer freight with consistent and steady miles.
    SRT - www.southernref.com - will reimburse cdl school tuition.
    Covenant Transport - www.covenanttransport.com - cdl school tuition reimbursement.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
    Lepton1 and Vic Firth Thank this.
  4. starmac

    starmac Road Train Member

    Apr 11, 2019
    Fairbanks Ak
    I don't know if messila valley does teams or not, but you might check, I always heard good things about them and they had nice looking equipment.
    If your husband has a good paying oilfield job, you may be in for a let down some. I bet a good oilfield job pays very close to as much as the average team does.
    Lepton1 and Herbertscandrive Thank this.
  5. Vic Firth

    Vic Firth Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2016
    You might consider FFE as well.
    Lepton1 and Herbertscandrive Thank this.
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Utah: new cdl school grads and teams.
    Redbone Trucking - FedEx contract/refrigerated/dry van- www.redbonetrucking.com
    SRT - www.southernref.com - tuition reimbursement
    Dot Transportation - www.drivefordot.com - tuition reimbursement
    Decker Truck Line - www.deckertruckline.com
    Transline Enterprise - contracted to FedEx - new cdl grads.
    Celadon Trucking - www.driveceladon.com - tuition reimbursement
    After you get 12 mos. experience, look at line haul companies such as R&L Carriers in Utah.
    Each member of the team can make from $125K - $165K per year.
    Other line haul companies that pay similar are Old Dominion Freight Line and Estes Express.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
  7. LoneRanger

    LoneRanger Road Train Member

    Jun 3, 2018
    I would suggest getting your cdl and driving with your husband for a few months. No place better to learn than from your husband.

    You can also see if you two can get along in a small space for long periods of time before you husband quits a good job.

    Yes it’s free but your experience learning from a 10 year vet is priceless.

    And if he’s not an owner op then the advise is worthless.
    Lepton1 and FlaSwampRat Thank this.
  8. Herbertscandrive

    Herbertscandrive Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2019
    Thank you so much for all the input!

    He brings home 1000 - 1500 a week right now, but the oilfield is iffy at best and for almost the whole last year we only brought home a couple thousand a month and was hurting pretty bad.
    If we,driving as a team, could double the 1000- 1500 a week, for the family a month it would be perfect!
    Frac fuel hauling in our area is a very physically intense job that I probably couldn't do, dang it or I would!

    @Chinatown thank you for all the recommendations I seen so many threads were you helped so many, you're awesome!
    Lepton1 and Chinatown Thank this.
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Since you have a school start date; go ahead and do the "short applications" on the various websites now. Those companies might offer you a job contingent on successful completion of cdl school. Get the hazmat endorsement for sure; even refrigerated companies haul hazmat loads at times, such as paint or fingernail polish, etc.
    Someone from the various companies will contact you and then you can explain the situation about your husband. I know Covenant Transport trucks are set up for training husband and wife at the same time.
    Contact several or all those listed and find out what's the best fit.
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  10. Herbertscandrive

    Herbertscandrive Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2019
    Got ya! I will get on that for sure. I'm definitely getting the hazmat, I've been studying that it's my next test to do. Thank you!
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  11. Herbertscandrive

    Herbertscandrive Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2019
    Not o/o, but I'm glad he is a long term vet, because I plan using that experience alot!
    LoneRanger Thanks this.
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