Stalling at every traffic light at 4th gear

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by k008, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    Provide the link saying you must double clutch during the exam, cannot shift in the intersection. Also show us where it says that you must go x mph during these turns or through these intersections or fail
    Cattleman84, magoo68 and AModelCat Thank this.
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  3. Tolmie

    Tolmie Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    LOL maybe if you google these yourself you can find out.

    But I am sure a DMV CDL examiner will be super thrilled with your cool skill of floating all gears with no hands

    No shifting is probably a mega rule. But I think it’s the length of truck that you can shift to next gear. But do you really want student to fail the test by unnecessary shifting?

    I don’t think I specified a mph you must do for making turns and going through intersection. But if you so smart you should go start your own CDL school.
  4. Tolmie

    Tolmie Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    This is from California DMV website. You are welcome.

    13.1.11 – General Driving Behaviors
    You will be scored on your overall performance in the following general driving behavior categories:

    Clutch Usage (for Manual Transmission)

    • Always use the clutch to shift.
    • Double-clutch when shifting. Do not rev or lug the engine.
    • Do not ride clutch to control speed, coast with the clutch depressed, or “pop” the clutch.
    Gear Usage (for Manual Transmission)

    • Do not grind or clash the gears.
    • Select a gear that does not rev or lug engine.
    • Do not shift in turns and intersections.
    BoxCarKidd Thanks this.
  5. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    Select a gear that does not lug the engine........if you are giving throttle to get it rolling you are lugging it
    kemosabi49 Thanks this.
  6. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    Why the need to talk to another person in a condescending manner? What happened to being an adult hand?

    You don't want treated like a child don't act like one.....grow your ### up

    My point on a specific speed was starting in a lower gear will not get you a lower score or failed. It will simply take a few more seconds to complete the test
    BoxCarKidd Thanks this.
  7. Tolmie

    Tolmie Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    LOL no you grow your “pound sign, pound sign, pound sign” up.

    I have specified that this is the way the Megas are training the students, which is to minimize the risk. We are talking about people who never driven stick shift in their lives and after 2 weeks of training, they are expected to pass this test. There is a real risk that starting in low gears for new students would lead to grinding the gears and not able to recover; and thus not in control of the truck, and fail the test right there and then. I am sure the megas have done some research and decided that the new students should start the truck at 4th gear.

    In short My point is, low gear and engine rev too high and will grind the gears. Unable to put in any gear because of inexperience, the student will fail to recover the gear and forced to stop and reset. Let’s not do that.
  8. Tolmie

    Tolmie Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    As anyone who has driven a manual car or truck, you know that giving a little fuel as you release the clutch will not lug the engine.
  9. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Trucks and cars are not comparable in any regard when it comes to driving. Using throttle to take off in a car is 100% standard practice. In a truck its a good way to break ####.
    baha Thanks this.
  10. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Passing an exam is one thing and if the school wants guys to beat the tar out of their trucks doing it that way, fair enough. In the real world, that wouldn't fly.
  11. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    4th wont get the job done, you don't have enough reduction at the engine for the drives to turn. STALL.

    It depends on the truck, but usually 2nd. Maybe 3rd if facing downhill. Hit splitter and shift to 5th high range at redline. 4th will not do it. Once in a while you are off in 1st or even granny low. You do not shift until you have finished your turn coming up and out of a upgrade hole.

    Your instructor is probably ahead of you. See you shift into 4th he knows its gonna stall before you do. And bingo she stalls. hence the yelling and theatrics. My instructors used a form of abuse a punch here or there and hard words. Do it again get two punches. Again three. after that you are set on the dock and someone else take your place on the road.

    I suspect you have to really physically and mentally get to work and pick up the gears rather fast in low range and do it right every time. The worst part about a really bad instructor is he creates a fear inside you bigger than being afraid of stalling or scratching gears in front of the world. We don't need that.

    Once you get out into the mountains you will find shifting to be made simple out of necessity. Its the city lights that get people.
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