Husband and Wife Team looking to start out

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Wannabetruckers, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Wannabetruckers

    Wannabetruckers Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Before reading any posts on this forum, I had already submitted our applications online and both my husband and I were contacted by CRE to set up a training date. We are supposed to go to Indiana at the end of the month but I'm to contact the recruiter a week before to set everything up.

    After reading all of the negative comments about this company I am of course a little leary of moving forward. Is there anyone out there who knows what it's like to start out with this company as husband and wife team looking to be company drivers? Most of the comments out there are geared towards solo drivers who don't want to team up, or people who have had bad experiences with the leasing program.

    We are both unemployed and don't have the money or resources to pay to go to school. We aren't looking to be home every weekend. Although it would be nice to get home each month to take care of odds and ends. Does anyone out there have any input?
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  3. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    You realize that your phase one and two you it will be doubtful you will be with each other?

    After your training is a different matter.

    They can still auto fail you at any time. Are you or her going to pass it up if one or the other fails?
  4. Wannabetruckers

    Wannabetruckers Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Of course the recruiter told me over the phone that we would train together even when out on the road. I'm sure the recruiter has no clue though. And no, if one of us were to fail then the other would not continue on.
  5. SLCTrucker

    SLCTrucker Medium Load Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Salt Lake City UT
    They always keep husband/wife teams together.
    3 to a truck for a month is tight, but then instead of going out with a phase 2 trainer you will move to "Q" fleet.
    This fleet is for H/W teams to train and learn together.

    CRE is a good place for teams to learn and train cause they keep you together all the way after school.
    Just realize when your in school you will probally be in seperate trucks just while getting your cdl. After that train together over the road.
    That way neither of you fell pressured by the other while learning to drive a truck.
    Wannabetruckers Thanks this.
  6. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Sweet!!! LOL wonder if wife still wants to drive. Ha!

    After the fiasco with Western she may be cured of overtheroad.
  7. Wannabetruckers

    Wannabetruckers Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    SLC Trucker - Can you tell me what Q-Fleet is? I haven't heard any mention of that by anyone before.

    We're still debating whether to go through with this because of all the horror stories and talk of bad trainers. If we do go through with it, can you be our trainer? LOL. Honestly though, it would be a lot easier to make the decision if we knew the trainer we would be put with had good intentions and cared about actually training the students.
  8. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    I dont think its not a matter of wanting to train students. I think its more of a fact that CR England assumes that if you have been driving for 10 or 20 years you will be able to pass that info on to whom ever is in the phase one standing. With that in mind, the trainers from what I saw had no real ethics law to follow and adhere to. There is no checkup being done on the instructors. No formal structured "Ok today we need to get you to work on this behaviour".

    Quite frankly the instructors I had if you will were nothing more than here is a set of keys. Lets go drive, nope I dont need to be in the seat with you. We need to make the miles so we can get you passed along. I would have been thrilled if the instructors had shown a greater desire to help me succeed. Alas 3 times burned, leaves a lasting impression.

    Alas they really need to check on their "instructors". Lord knows if what I had were the "normal" instructors, your going to be in for one heck of a ride. Granted most of us that come to these outfits have had some experience already. Maybe not alot of miles, but some experience just the same.

    As to your instructor? LOL I hope you do get SLC as well (or even carrottop), he sounds 2000% better than the interesting souls I had.
  9. moonbaby

    moonbaby Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    red bluff, ca
    it's luck of the husband and i had a worthless trainer, however my brother is currently on his phase 2 training and has excellent instructors. if you are not happy with your trainer you can request a change. good luck
  10. Familyman

    Familyman Bobtail Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Catoosa Oklahoma
    Hey wannabetruckers, I would suggest looking at Prime.
  11. Wannabetruckers

    Wannabetruckers Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Moonbaby, are you and your husband done with training? Did you go through the 60 day Phase 2 training or to that Q-Fleet that SLC Trucker mentioned above? If you're done with training, how are things going now?

    I just checked Prime's website and all of the OTR training is done 1 on 1 with the trainer so my husband and I would be split up for as long as the training would last which seems to be 5 or 6 months. That is one thing that we want to avoid, being split up. Seems that CRE is the only company that I've found who keeps husband and wife together during the OTR training.
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