Picking Up by Robin Lang all about Department of Sanitation New York City

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Mike2633, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Transfer Station Tractor Trailers at Michigan Landfill.
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  3. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    Guess that's one of the dangers of landfill driving...truck gets messed up, nails, blown tires, tip overs....
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  4. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    There's a guy in Georgia Dan's Vlogs on You Tube he's a roll off dumpster truck driver and does landscaping work. He had a video of him self at a landfill during the day in a rain storm everyone was getting stuck in the mud and the landfill bulldozer was having to push and pull everyone out.
  5. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    I wonder if that's also because half the idiots that drive don't know how to properly use lockers or drive like people in cars do. Like brain dead zombies lol
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  6. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
  7. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    So it turns out there was a story on the news earlier this week. I know in New York City Recycling is I think the law?

    Well, here in Cuyahoga County in Cleveland come summer time there will be a plastic bag ban, because County Council voted for it. Now the City of Cleveland has decided nahh were not going to ban plastic bags from the city the county council can go screw it's self.

    Anyway, this must have been a slow news week because there was a 7 minute story on the local news about the schools I don't know what the schools are crying about now, doesn't matter anyway and then there was a big story about plastic pollution in Lake Erie. Especially around Cleveland.

    I understand recyclables get exported to other countries and they dump all those bails of recyclables out into the ocean I understand they do that and it's maybe not the best practice, but to my knowledge there not dumping bails of recyclables in Lake Erie, but to hear the news talk the lake is pretty much totally contaminated with plastic and at this point in time there is more plastic then water in the lake. Now granted were banning plastic straws and bags which should solve all of societies problems, but I want to know where all this plastic in the lake is coming from and you know my entire life this has been going on. I don't know was littering like a really popular thing to do back in the day? I mean I know people still like to liter these days I don't, but I know there are people who do. I mean that could be a cause of plastic in the lake, but that's not how the news and government report it.
    Itsbrokeagain Thanks this.
  8. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    It's the news. They blow it out of proportion and sensationalize it to make you glued to the screen. In return selling more ads via commercials.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  9. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    You live in NYC what do you make of Mike Bloomberg? I didn’t follow his mayorship very close, all I can get out of it is he’s a big nothing.
    Itsbrokeagain Thanks this.
  10. Itsbrokeagain

    Itsbrokeagain Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    Was not a fan of him really. He changes parties like the wind, tried to enforce a drink size ban on New York City among other things. Stop n Frisk either worked or was racist and discriminatory depending on who you asked.

    He's nothing compared to the scum diblasio who's in there now. At least NYPD was on board and Bloomberg got along with them mostly. Diblasio currently has zero support, especially with the latest attacks on officers and his genius idea of no-bail 'reform'.

    I'll leave it at that, the political atmosphere is a lousy one at best here, I voted for the guy currently President and took a lot of flak from my ultra liberal neighbors here in the metro area.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  11. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Well city budget meeting. The woman who is in charge of service and development says recycling costs are up and only going to be more.

    are garbage contract is up soon and they talked to other companies uh contracted garbage collection is starting to get pricy.

    this whole recycling is starting to be a real boon dogal. If those materials were so valuable it wouldn’t cost us more and more every year to get rid of them.
    Itsbrokeagain Thanks this.
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