1999 Freightliner FLD

Discussion in 'Trucker Forum Classifieds & Trading Post' started by xsetra, Nov 7, 2024.

  1. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    This link if for a Facebook Marketplace listing.

    (20+) Marketplace - 1999 Freightliner fld 120 | Facebook

    This was my OTR truck. I bought a newer truck so I can deliver in California for my customer. I sure miss the ELD exempt and no emissions.
    The list of most of the repairs and maintenance is in picture below. I have all receipts.

    This truck is parked at the Mechanic shop where I have most of my repairs done.
    Big Dog is the name of shop. Kelly is the person to talk with. 608-586-4311.
    I have her handling the sale because I run OTR and to arrange viewing is easier with her than with me.
    Cummins N14 465 hp.-10 speed, rear 3:55, -1,114120 miles. VIN:1FUYDDYB5XPA34131 IMG_20230521_151047634.jpg IMG_20230521_151108162_HDR.jpg IMG_20230521_151158934_HDR.jpg IMG_20230521_191308462.jpg
    I bought from a Chicago area owner that drove local.
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
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