Anyone have any experience with these trailers? Looking at on got a bunch of chain pulls down the side looks like a solid trailer and a good price also, I can’t find anything on them been looking in the search feature and online.
I haul mix local loads, lumber, steel sheets, coils, sometimes 44/46k others 20-30k, beams, block, brick
2000 Dorsey flat
Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by hazzmatt89, Jan 15, 2025.
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Bump anyone got any feedback on these trailers
Boss had a small fleet of them of that vintage for a few years, decent for distributed loads, ....lumber, shingles, etc etc.
Swayed like a drunken sailor stepping from a ship to dry land with concentrated loads (big coils) they called them the "noodles"
Sold the 5 of them, within 2 years the new owners abused them with heavy concentrated loads and snapped a beam.
Since they were before my time there, im going to assume they were simply not built to accomodate concentrated loads.
I would want to climb underneath and inspect every joint and weldcke, D.Tibbitt and broke down plumber Thank this. -
Dino soar, cke, D.Tibbitt and 1 other person Thank this.
I did see that looked a bit off, I’d rather not spend money on the trailer esp since I will
Be hauling coils Atleast 2/3 times a week diff weights but some being 45k. I hadn’t been able to find much on these trailers, so I appreciate the feedback -
cke, jamespmack and broke down plumber Thank this.
Easts and macs,
i like my reitenour maxmiser but if i was hauling 40k coils 60% of the time, I wouldnt like it as much.cke, broke down plumber, Jake Metzger and 1 other person Thank this. -
Dorsey can and have built good trailers for coils. Crossmember spacing is what makes the trailer work. You would want 12" on center and 6" junior beams in the center. Not every trailer is built the same. You set a single coil in the middle of a lumber trailer that has 14,16" crossmembers. It will look like a snake going down the road.
That particular trailer looks to have alot of crossmembers and chain tie downs which is great. But condition of floor and the patches welded to frame web infront of lead axle would lead me to believe it's had a hard life, and coming to its end of life.
Now most all wagons that have hauled alot of single coils, have been and will be welded on routinely. It's just part of the game. If you keep that in mind. You might be happy with a trailer that old. I'm still pulling a 1995. It's been broke and fixed plenty.Dino soar, broke down plumber, cke and 4 others Thank this.
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