2003 d12 volvo injector problems

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by Ls2gto89, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. Ls2gto89

    Ls2gto89 Bobtail Member

    Apr 28, 2023
    Hello, I’ve been having problems with injectors for little over a year now started off with one replaced it. Then it went to another replaced that got me through till next year. Then another one went out so I replaced the rest and put all new injector cups in also. Now another code popped up injector # 6 electrical fault. I’m thinking the injector wiring harness needs replaced. I have the older type of injectors with the two studs on top so I know the splicing is out of question. Can I get the whole injector harness? And hopefully thats my problem? Thank You .
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