Hi all, first time posting, hope it works. I am doing a ground up rebuild/restoration here in Australia on a 1981 359 Standard hood Peterbilt (119" bbc) truck originally had a 290 Cummins, rear mounts are the 3 x bush style chassis mounts with 3 x bush style 10 degree engine mount brackets. I got the big yellow needle a long time ago, its now getting a 5ek 3406e, my question is, are there or does anyone have a 3 x bush style Cat engine mount for the bellhousing (straight style) that matches the factory chassis brackets ? Or do l need both, chassis and bellhousing brackets to suit. Ive spoken with Dans Shop re their mounts but they only suit and ext hood 359.We also run a 1998 ext hood 379 on interstate here, l have built several 379' imports and converted them from left to rh drive, we have a pretty good shop, do our own engines etc, our 359 started as a basket case , just not sure what 359s had, thank you.
359/Caterpillar rear engine mounts
Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by ORSE, Dec 10, 2024.
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Even a picture or part number or any information would help.
ThanksOxbow Thanks this. -
Maybe @SmallPackage can help.
Oxbow and SmallPackage Thank this. -
I would think the same mounts used in the 379’s for that engine should work on the 359. The frames are all the same width. New hole's will need to be punched.
Thanks Small Package, l do have a set of 379 chassis/engine mounts, they are a larger squarer bracket, as the cab mounts are in the same spot none of the holes are anywhere near close its gunna look ugly, yes l can punch new holes but thats a last resort. We are also reversing the steering box bracket to convert it to right hand drive, l believe that when mounted that needs to line up nice as well which it cleared the standard mounts.
Oxbow Thanks this. -
If I understand you correctly the mounts on the flywheel housing you have are the straight vertical(0 degree)? If so it will have to be something custom made.
To my knowledge all the cats that came in Peterbilt's had 10 degree mounting pads on the flywheel housing.Oxbow Thanks this. -
Thats the difference between my 359 ones and my 379 mounts
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