389 trouble code

Discussion in 'Peterbilt Forum' started by Jdf555, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. Jdf555

    Jdf555 Bobtail Member

    Jan 10, 2025
    Have a 2015 Pete 389 that randomly throws spn168-fmi13 battery potential/power input 1 out of calibration, I believe it has something to do with the cab controller. Only items not currently working are interior lights, all fuses check out and truck has new batteries and charging normally. Anyone ever have this code and pin pointed the issue. It won’t let me clear the code and have tried leaving batteries unhooked for a long period to try a reset but no luck.
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  3. Stringb8n

    Stringb8n Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    I can't input the link to the forum I found this on, but I think it could help you maybe. If you google the trouble code you shared in your post, it should be in one of the first few links that pops up on google. I googled "spn168-fmi13 peterbilt" (without quotation marks).
    RE: Weird trouble code spn 168 fmi 13
    Figured it out thought I’d post it. It was the amp meter gauge sensor that goes around the grounds. It was out of calibration in the cab controller.
  4. Jdf555

    Jdf555 Bobtail Member

    Jan 10, 2025
    I have seen that particular forum but the guy never really gave a detailed explanation on how he did it. I’m also looking for the interior fuse panel diagram (by clutch)mines all peeled off want to make sure the proper amp fuses are in right spot.
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