9 years experience, looking for step deck work

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by Sandman 660, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. Sandman 660

    Sandman 660 Light Load Member

    Jul 15, 2017
    Weatherford, Texas
    I've owned several trucks and am in between trucks. My wife and I put all of our stuff in storage to do a 6 month run to save up money for a new truck and trailer.
    I do step deck, low boy, over size and regular skateboard.
    Prefer step deck in a truck that can at least do 70 for time and efficiency purposes.
    Our current situation is really inefficient with a dispatcher from Kazakhstan who is extremely inexperienced and isn't receptive to coaching.
    It's a difficult situation and we're looking for an owner who needs a skilled and reliable power seat for the next 6 months.
    33% is what we're asking for. Clean MVR and hard working. Very cooperative and flexible.
    Contact me here or on my email at hellakwik@gmail.com
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