I originally posted a question in the "report a Bad Trucking company" thread as a reply to someone having another bad experience with C.R England. I had not gotten any response so I want to post the same question here.
First off, let me say I am in no way defending CRE. and Im sorry for everyone who has gotten robbed by them, but with all the negative stuff I've read, I have to ask, How do they stay in business?
If they cant keep drivers and are constantly training new guys, they must have a core of good drivers that are running well and making a living right? somebody has to be delivering thier frieght.
Is it just the new guys who go through thier training program that are getting screwed?
How would an experienced driver fair if they went there not needing CDL training?
Im just wondering, I believe they do take advantage of new guys, but I have to also wonder who thier top drivers are and how they are doing.
A question about C.R England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Ike, Mar 12, 2010.
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My impression is that they have a core of drivers, supposedly Mormon, who are possibly related to the owning family. I've also heard that C.R. England doesn't see anything wrong with screwing non-Mormon drivers, but can't confirm that. Just what I've heard.
Thats a good theroy, I just believe someone has to be running good for them or they wouldn't be in business.
Bear in mind, it's just what I've heard. Always take rumor with a gigantic grain of salt.
roger that!
Honestly, being Mormons allows them a lot of privleges, like access to church money. If they find themselves in financial straits, thhey simply get money from the church, which in turn gets freight moved free of charge. Then England gets to claim those costs on taxes as "charitable donation." Their older drivers started with them and probably thought all/ most companies were the same and chose to stay. As evidenced in many posts around here, they weren't far from wrong. Also most didn't have or think they had the experience to go somewhere else. England reinforces the strength of two years experience to the point of reading ads by other companies. If they can get these drivers to stay for 2 years, they already have their next three years of drivers locked in a lease. And many people don't want to violate a lease contract that will be placed against their credit.
I am currently a phase 1 trainer with CR England and I run the western region. That means I pretty much stay west of the rockies and I am home every other weekend. I avg about 4,100 miles a week with a student and take home roughly $1,100 a week (married with 2 kids, don't pay much state/fed tax). In June I get the opportunity to purchase my tractor which I plan on doing. Once the tractor is paid off my pay will almost double since I wont have those fixed costs.
It wasn't easy for me to get to this point with CR England. I am a lease operator so I have to run enough miles to cover my costs plus making some profit.
I use to run solo and the pay checks were not consistent. When I was using paper logs I would do pretty good and average about $550 a week take home but once I had to go on the e-logs it was hard to turn good miles. For instance for the month of Dec 2009 my pay averaged $75 a week. I basically got a negative paycheck every week since I couldn't run as hard with e-logs. When I discussed my situation with my DM (Driver Manager) he was the one that suggested I become a phase 1 trainer and that was when things turned around for me.
CR England is a good company to work for if you put in the effort but new drivers only look at the short term results and don't see the long-term benefits.
-gabelovesthedrive, fawne and carrot top Thank this. -
CR England makes their money from assigning collections from student tuition and lease contract back outs. They free themselves from costly litigation that way.
Another way is shear number of trucks if they make 1 cent a mile profit it adds up big.
They make insurance claims on damage and their shops are doing the work.
They also may be financing their own trucks.
All of this is legal. Immoral? That is for God to judge.
If you want to know more about the mormon faith google Youtube Mormon banned cartoon. Thats what they are about in a nut shell.
I went to orientation monday and walked out after the first break. I am not mad at them or the recruiter people need money. CR England is not for me check out some of my posts if you want to know more.
I may be taking a trip to Salt Lake City soon but its to go skiing in Alta Utah. Really, trust me. -
notarps4me and TruckrsWife Thank this.
TruckrsWife Thanks this.
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