Amberline Trucking Inc

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by The18w, Dec 23, 2024.

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  1. The18w

    The18w Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2024
    I am very happy to be driving for Amberline Trucking since day one I have been treated, very professional, and with respect the pay has been exactly what they said and I am very happy with the runs I get they get me home on a weekly basis, although I have chosen to stay out a couple weeks here and there to do some longer runs I’ve had a few minor issues with my bunk heater on the truck and a cracked windshield but it was taken care of very promptly. The shop is awesome. They really know what they’re doing in there. The facilities at the terminal are by far the best that I have seen in my driving career and I have been driving for over 30 years. I hope to stay here and retire. If you’re looking for a good home, this is definitely the place.
    bryan21384 and HoodTrucker228 Thank this.
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  3. snicrep

    snicrep Heavy Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    It's a lease. Id rather be a company driver. No worries . And personally, I stick to tanker anyway.
    nextgentrucker Thanks this.
  4. snicrep

    snicrep Heavy Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    Also sounds like a recruiting post
  5. HoodTrucker228

    HoodTrucker228 Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2024
    Oh lol I was about to make a review also, I agree with you. Was skeptical of Chicago company at first, but everything went through very well, got 2025 Truck, making a bank every week. 10/10
  6. snicrep

    snicrep Heavy Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    Well if it works for you. But I don't think many ever end up owning the truck. So in that case, why bother? Just drive company ( or actually buy a truck). Seems like the reason a business lease is to their advantage.
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    How much experience is required?
  8. HoodTrucker228

    HoodTrucker228 Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2024
    Well I have spoken to the Drivers that has been over a year there, some are leasing a second truck already. Not everyone can straight up buy a truck, I see for myself that these guys provide, like most of the companies should. I was working as a Company driver in a few companies, seems like everyone has the same issue, company positions are dying right now with this market, it is much more worth to get % from the gross than CPM.
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    How much experience is required?
  10. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    I'm glad you've found some happiness, but company positions are not dying at all, even in this market. What's dying are the candidates that have hiccups on their records.
    nextgentrucker, Milr72 and Chinatown Thank this.
  11. d o g

    d o g Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    Okay, let's see about the coincidences going on here...

    A new member creates this thread and posts a glowing review of this company.

    Thirty minutes later, you reply from....Lithuania?

    A minute later, you report two different threads on this company in our BAD Trucking Company Forum as containing "false and misleading" information when members report trouble getting paid.

    No, that's not suspicious, not at all. :biggrin_25512:
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