An old man's career goes flat, Snackbar moves to open deck

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by supersnackbar, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    Do u guys have the camera that works along with the samsara software? Thats what we have and the first truck I was in was annoying as all hell. Constantly yelling at me for no reason.
    Our trucks are governed at 75 and if I get it to 75.5 it will yell at me to slow down
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  3. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Yep, that's the camera that was #####in. I hadn't heard a peep out of her in months, even when I would briefly break the company speed limit, now all of a sudden she wouldn't shut up yesterday. Not sure if she got reset somehow when they changed the windshield and had to leave her hanging until the shop glued her to the new one or what. I just know that she needs to go back to being a pouty silent #####.
  4. Winnyf1

    Winnyf1 Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Evansville, IN
    Our trucks are governed at 70 mph and the company max limit is 75 mph. Exceed that or a registered speed limit for more that two minutes and you get an audible warning - and our volume is set way to high lol
  5. Spardo

    Spardo Medium Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    St. Front la Riviere, France
    All European, and British, trucks are limited by law to 90 km/hr (about 59 mph) and power to the accelerator is lost automatically above that point. You can imagine the problems that more powerful, or lighter loaded, trucks have with overtaking and the anger that produces from other road users who can only see trucks side by side for mile after mile. A common cry is that truckers should drop back but, as you can imagine, over hundreds of miles of forcibly going slower that possibly plays havoc with rdv times for loading and delivering.
    My solution is simple, not that anyone takes any notice, and that is to allow a switch in the cab to temporarily (say for 5 minutes) overide the limiter so drivers can pass each other quicker and safer.

    In the days before that law I was given a brand new wagon and set off empty to get loaded. I was halfway passing a much slower lorry when there was a loud click and all power was lost. The firm had voluntarily fitted a limiter. After some investigation I realised that the strange black box bolted to the floor of the passenger compartment was the evil machine. I discovered that it was powered through a simple fuse and, on removing that, I was back to top speed no problem. ;-) I just had to make sure that I remembered to put the fuse back before it went into the shop for service each time. Modern limiters are not so easy to fool, unfortunately. :rolleyes:
  6. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Ours is 75 and governed to 68. And I was going 72 in a 75. I have had it pick up frontage road speed limit signs in TX. Construction zone speed limit on the interstate was 65, frontage road speed limit was 45, I was doing 60ish because it was a screwed up road surface, and it started nagging at me about speeding. It records audio after it nags, so I went on a tyraid about how retarded these cameras were along with how retarded any corporate parent company manager was for putting a distraction like that in a truck because they obviously don't think we can do our jobs without electronic guidance from some nearsited artificial ignorance camera.

    Our government is talking about an industry wide speed limiter on new trucks. If they do, they may need to time it so it takes effect the same time they perfect the totally autonomous driverless trucks because there will be a huge departure of drivers from this industry if they do, at least on the owner operator side if things.

    Some trucking companies over here have a feature on their trucks that allows a driver to exceed the governed speed for a certain amount of time per day. I think the manufacturer calls it something like pass smart. Not sure if a driver hits a button or uses cruise control or what.
  7. Spardo

    Spardo Medium Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    St. Front la Riviere, France
    That is exactly what I have recommended and I think the name 'pass smart' describes it perfectly
    D.Tibbitt Thanks this.
  8. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Road Train Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    FL has it. It's like an hour of cruise that goes 5mph faster. You can use it to pass, then let off; or you can be greedy and use it all at once.
  9. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Is it button activated, or you just use the throttle (which would make it easier to accidentally use up all your speeding allowance)
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  10. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Road Train Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    If I remember correctly, you put it in cruise, and tap the accelerator twice quickly.
  11. Winnyf1

    Winnyf1 Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2015
    Evansville, IN
    Yeah I lived in Scotland and worked across Europe at one point in my life, and I remember the governed trucks and always felt for them. There are those here who also want to govern trucks smh. If that happens I will be one of those who drive side by side to help send a message.

    I enjoy you giving the other side of the ponds perspective, glad you follow Mr Snackbar :)
    Oxbow, D.Tibbitt, Knucklehead and 4 others Thank this.
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