The 102" is a very well known antenna and one of the best choices in a mobile set up but its made of stainless steel....Seeing so its not very conductive when compared to say aluminum/copper/silver,how does it compare if you had a 102 made of the more conductive metals??
I ask partly cause i had a 102 (cut threaded end off)on a 10" aluminum riser that i could adjust whip length..Mind you it worked great on my plascadia but cause of my discovery and my child like excitement to install and test i didnt use any antisieze and now its one solid unit....
Anyways i now have a stainless steel version and wonder if at all it affects signal vs the same riser in aluminum??
Antenna material question.
Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by craig_sez, Jan 7, 2025.
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I owned several stainless steel antennas over the years including the 102 inch antenna. The only real problem with them is the height on today's vehicles, as most people know.craig_sez Thanks this. -
Yeah i bought 3 last yr or the yr before...Used one on my cascadia and it worked great...Like i said i was just wondering how ss vs alum affects signal..
I did more digging myself and so far it seems to make almost no diff re signal.. -
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