AT&T users. Check your plan now!

Discussion in 'Cellular - Voice - Data' started by SteerTire, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. SteerTire

    SteerTire Road Train Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Behind the wheel
    I’ve been on an unlimited plan for years. So long, I was grandfathered in. There was only one item missing that I refused to get because it cost too much.

    I’m under no contract, both phones are unlocked, and figured if I raised enough hell they would just give it to me to keep me with them.

    Long story short. They’ve just made some serious plan and pricing changes. And I’m paying half of what my previous billing was. And have a bunch of useless crap I will never use.

    But I have unlimited talk, text, and data in Canada now :)
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  3. Tai

    Tai Medium Load Member

    So they moved you from what was most likely a proper unlimited no throttle plan. To an unlimited to 22gb then throttle which is what the current plan is.
    Tb0n3 Thanks this.
  4. SteerTire

    SteerTire Road Train Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Behind the wheel
    You could say that, yes. But they were throttling me anyway, so that’s not an issue. And I can’t prove it.

    I’ve noticed the throttling for months. Even though they say I wasn’t. Sorry, but 30 second videos don’t buffer for 3 minutes in an unthrottled plan.

    Besides, I also have Verizon ;) Which BTW wanted to charge me 10 cents a minute for calls to Canada. And a dollar a minute on calls from Canada. No thanks.
    Swiss Mountain Dog Thanks this.
  5. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    I have unlimited with Verizon and Canada is free as far as I know. You must have some older plan
  6. SteerTire

    SteerTire Road Train Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Behind the wheel
    Nope, this was a recent event. I have Mifi with Verizon and wanted a phone, as they were advertising 1 cent per minute to Canada. Guy at the Verizon store said they no longer offered it. And I’d have to pay 10 cents per minute. I talk on average 2000 minutes per month, calling Canada.

    Also, I have to be able to call from Canada.
  7. Tai

    Tai Medium Load Member

    Verizon has a 500MB cap per day in Canada so I've never been impressed with it in Canada. Cricket (owned by ATT) works great in Canada other then a bit of a high ping which makes sense.
    SteerTire Thanks this.
  8. SteerTire

    SteerTire Road Train Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Behind the wheel
    Never thought about Cricket. But that’s good to know.

    My data usage is never an issue when I’m there. I stay on wifi most of the time. It was the calls that were killing me. At a dollar a minute.
  9. Tai

    Tai Medium Load Member

    Since cricket got rid of the 8mbps off thier unlimited plan its became very useful as a secondary plan. (I also have a Verizon plan.)
  10. SteerTire

    SteerTire Road Train Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Behind the wheel
    I feel like a drug addict when it comes to AT&T. I can’t get away from them completely. :/ Every time I go to leave, they dangle shiny things in front of me. And I stay.

    If Verizon ever offers exactly what I need. I’m gone.
    Lux Prometheus and Silverdriver Thank this.
  11. Silverdriver

    Silverdriver Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I have "Metro PC's" and been wanting to get "AT&T". What plan can I get from "AT&T" that won't put me in a contract and be way to expensive? I usually use my tablet a lot.
    I'm a OTR driver.
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