I just hired on with these guys and figured I would start a thread for those to follow who want to, to see what it is like.
I start training tomorrow, for 4 weeks. After that it is into a brand new 2013 fully automated side loading truck! Even runs on Compressed Natural Gas, no diesel with this place! So far sounds like a decent job. Starting wage of $22 an hour, teamsters union, Monday to Friday, 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM. You work every stat of the year except Christmas, and no time off of any kind is granted in the months of March, April, May, June, July, and August, since that is the busy season they say.
Right now I am a happy guy. Been eating at home, showering at home, having a life for a while now, and I hope this continues! I love the highway, but it sure is nice to be home every evening in front of the television with the family.
BFI Canada
Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Tank33, Sep 4, 2012.
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I just hope it is better in Canada at contract time in Canada than it is in the U.S. . A month or more of lockout by the employer or strike is not unusual . In the past the " best and final offer " from the employer has prevailed . The major issue has been the underfunded Teamster pension plan . That may not be an issue in Canada . http://pension.teamsters-canada.org/section.php?id=5&lang=en
First week of training is done, so far so good. We've had some practice on the trucks, using the arm to grab garbage totes. Most of it so far has been company orientation, safety information and all of that. This coming week we get our trucks/routes assigned to us and we get 2 days to just drive around all day and get used to the trucks. They are 100% right hand drive, no controls at all on the left side. Usually, trucks come with both, and you drive on the left side until you reach your route, than you switch over. With these trucks, it's all right hand drive, all the time, so that is going to take some getting used to.
They truly did not spare any expense on these trucks. They have 5 cameras mounted in various locations, power mirrors on both sides, heated. LED strobes all over the place. 12 foot arm reach instead of the normal 6 foot. All aluminum wheels. We even have onboard GPS that gives us house by house pickup instructions. There is a lot going on in the cab, more than I anticipated, so having the GPS is going to be invaluable I think, you won't have to worry so much about getting lost. They can even update our GPS right in front of us in real time, so if someone comes to help us with our route, they can take 2 or 3 streets and mark them as finished, or in progress by another unit number.
All in all it's turning out to be pretty interesting. The Compressed Natural Gas is turning out to be a very nice feature. These trucks are unbelievably quiet, you can hardly hear one coming up behind you. It's going to save me a lot of headaches which I am thankful for. The trucks are the cutting edge of disposal technology, so it's actually been pretty interesting, I like it so far.
We were all hired at the same time so we drew names out of a hat to pick seniority, and I didn't do too bad, number 28 out of 44 guys. The contract is guranteed for 7 years, so it's nice to know that as long as you pass the 4 month probation period, your going to have a paycheck for the next 7 years.
Garbage hauling might not be the nicest job, but it's vital. The garbage HAS to be picked up, these guys were virtually unharmed by the economy downfall in 2008, everyone was working full time with good wages and benefits, and it will likely always pull through any recession, because like I said, you can't leave garbage piling up in front of homes.Mike2633 Thanks this. -
are they hiring drivers from europe a couple of years ago there was a big demand for drivers emmigrating to canada
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