Caledonia Haulers Caledonia, MN ??

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by groundpounder, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Thats exactly what I thought..
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  3. longtall1960

    longtall1960 Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Anytown, USA
    Well Im not looking to run lanes and I dont care when I get home. So those thingd wont bother me one way or the other. Zack says he has a few guys like me here and they very well.
  4. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    If you don't need to be home and don't care where you run you should do well..
  5. target_driver

    target_driver Light Load Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    GP, every time i see a caledonia truck i still look at the #### truck numbers to see if its your truck..... even thou i know you aint in it anymore. are you having any luck in the search?

  6. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Hi Bob,

    yeah, I accepted a job to pull bulk tank here in upstate NY they run a lot south which is exactly what I was looking for just waiting for the drug test to come back now...Plastic pellets is what goes south the most or so I'm told they also do frac sand, cement, and fly ash..

  7. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Hey Mike, if you're running south I think you'll enjoy that job quite a bit, I think it's the norm up this way though when the weather sets in the cement, ash, and what not slows way down, if not stops. Frac sand on the other hand won't stop, they'll push, pull, or drag your ### to that pad to frack the well, kind of why I'm not interested in it at all. Just a question, I recall you looking at the option to move to Florida back when IRT was an option for you, although IRT didn't work out why didn't you make good on that move? There's quite a few companies down south, not just Florida per say that operate pneumatics and run kind of an extended southeast with pretty good hometime.

    I personally don't know how you guys do it up here, I've only been here 2 months and absolutely hate it with a passion, I wish there was some option for me to go "home"(Florida) right now but that's just not my reality for the next 10 months. Whatever it is you do I hope it works out, I might not know you but I feel like I'm in the same boat as you, a few crappy decissions this year have turned things upside down for the wife and I, here's hoping we make it back to the light...........The Florida sunshine:biggrin_25514:
  8. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    I wasn't finding much that really interested me to be honest, that and the pay scale down there seemed kinda low...After my IRT experience I kinda stopped looking around have not looked into anything down there since..
  9. longtall1960

    longtall1960 Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Anytown, USA
    Well made it thru orientstion. Ran a short load over to Wayland Mi then bounced back to Caledonia swapped tanks. Then loaded a Shippensburg and getting empty now. Then head for S Charleston WV to load for Cheyenne WY. So far Im pretty happy with the choice to move over here.
  10. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Most likely you won't sit I was always pre planned the day before I got empty and they think nothing of bouncing a truck all the way back to MN if there are no loads where you delivered..
    25(2)+2 Thanks this.
  11. longtall1960

    longtall1960 Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Anytown, USA
    You drove 330. Did the a/c on the back wall of the sleeper work when you drove it? Cant figure out if its not working or if Im doing something wrong.
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