CAT and pay scales

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by heartlandnewbie1988, Sep 15, 2023.

  1. heartlandnewbie1988

    heartlandnewbie1988 Light Load Member

    May 10, 2015
    Im doing my research about Schneider's CDL training program and im trying to find out about pay during the program and then pay afterwards. I heard something about 34cpm and $10/hr on duty pay? And then in the cdl training its 80/day? Can anyone who went through the program verify this?
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  3. Turtlelegs

    Turtlelegs Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2022
    I got $80/day during CAT training which included weekends.

    Your CPM depends on the job. 34 sounds pretty low unless you are getting per diem on top of that.

    I think KC has openings for the Costco account which runs out of Minnesota. I heard they pay $12/hr for on duty & 60 cpm but that just might be talk. I believe they have both day & night positions. I think getting on a dedicated account is the way to go with Schneider.
    heartlandnewbie1988 Thanks this.
  4. Turtlelegs

    Turtlelegs Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2022
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