Cdl pretrip abs light

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by tyler7191, Jan 15, 2025.

  1. tyler7191

    tyler7191 Bobtail Member

    Jan 4, 2025
    I was going to take me cdl drive test soon. My trailer abs light intermittent comes on and off depending on the day and its mood. As long as I mention checking it is that good enough or does it need to be functioning properly to let me pass? This is on the trailer only the truck works fine. Thanks!
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  3. FLHT

    FLHT Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    Might want to fix that.
    Easy ticket.
    If you are going to lease on with a company most will inspect your equipment .
    Thats a fail on inspection.
    northstarfire0693 Thanks this.
  4. northstarfire0693

    northstarfire0693 Heavy Load Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    If its on and off. First simple solution would be to check for corrosion on all connecters. Generally, if its a failure with the ABS modules on the trailer. It will stay on all the time. with what you are describing, sounds like a wiring issue.
    Bean Jr. and omaharj Thank this.
  5. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    If you can get it repaired, it would be the best... but honestly, the CDL test isn't a real inspection.. They are testing whether or not you can conduct an inspection.. as long as all your lights and signals work... you should be OK
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