sesstexas, they will not route you anywhere because of idle restrictions. It really is not hard to keep your idle percentage below 30%. Most of the company trucks either have ICON or Opt-Idle. The bunk heater is electric and doesn't use a lot of power. I have a fridge in my truck that has a small compressor instead of the convection fans and I have purposely kept the truck off to see just how long I could go before the truck did it's little load shedding truck and it lasted 12 hours with the fridge and the bunk heater running..
Summer is a much different issue. However, contrary to popular belief Central will consider where you have been and how long you were there before they scream about you over idling.. Honestly it took a solid week of me being in 100 deg. weather before I even touched 30%..
Stop worrying about the idle. You will have other more important things to worry about..![]()
Central Refrigerated Truck Stop II
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by celticwolf, Jan 18, 2012.
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My son is working a dedicated 'regional' route for Schnieder. While he is making more money per mile than he was OTR, he has a hard time getting more than 1800 miles per week. He's not found of slip seating either..
On the other hand I run account dedicated (Kraft) and get a lot more miles than he does and even make a half cent more per mile then him..
As I have said before, what is good for one is not necessarily good for someone else.. YEs I'd like to be home more, but I do love what I am doing now.. -
Hello Everyone Im from Sacramento Ca, I prepared my self and did alot of Research by asking every truckers that I know and listen to their stories and Experience. I heard alot off good things and the opposite as well. basicly im trying to figure out what im getting my self in too.. But I would not know this until I experince it my self . Ill Be going to my recruiting office (TDA) this friday for my physical and undergo some paperworks.. First week of classroom traning will be this comming monday...
Im aware that being away from your love ones are the hardest Part of a truckers life.. Im not worried about being in the road for months or more.... It should not be tha bad In my opinnion. I was working for a Cruise Ship 6 years ago and beeing away about 6 months at a time should not be a problem being a way 4 to 8 weeks on a truck..
Im sorry about my english and gramar.. and thanks in advance to all -
As far as the truck goes if you are picky about what you want to have they will let you choose. It doesn't cost them a thing to have you sit around and wait for 2-3 weeks for a truck you want (it does cost you). I got a 2012 Freightshaker and it is not a bad truck. All of central's trucks are newer and kept in good shape so what you get to start with compared to most companies is good. I have my dream truck in mind but that is for when I have the money and experience to have it. I heard a rumor that Central was doing away with the KW's because of the new laws but this is just a rumor. All I'm saying is that as a new driver look more into is the truck safe and semi comfortable so you can learn how to do the job. If you want to start out in a custom truck then you need to have the money buy your own and the brains to figure out how to run your own company. -
Well like I said, its not something I'm going to wait 2-3 weeks on or even 2-3 days. I really could care less if it has all the bells and whistles either. If they have one there when I upgrade then I'm going for it, if not, I'll get what I can. I'm just saying it would be nice to get what I've always wanted from the start but I'm not going to be picky about it... I'll be happy just driving. Also, nothing against Freightliners.. I just haven't seen too many good things from them. My father bought a brand new one when I was about ten years old, had something go wrong at least every 15k-20k miles and traded it after about 3 years for a T2k. Maybe he just got the lemon.
I actually do own a small hot-shot/camper transport on the side but I'm not 21 so I'm not legal to drive on my own insurance or inter-state laws. Long story - short, I had to hire a friend of mine to drive the truck and had to wade through the bs with the D.O.T. and insurance folks to let them know what the deal was and that I wasn't going to be driving the truck. It brings in enough to take care of the truck, the company's bills, my personal bills, pay the driver, and a fancy dinner at McD's every few months but that's about it. It was my fathers idea to start it but he didn't make it until my high school graduation so I was kinda on my own with it from day one. He was an OTR O/O for nearly 40 years and I basically lived and schooled in the truck until 9th grade. I figure when I come work for Central I'll either sell the company to my driver or to one of the many hot-shot companies around here. I don't think I'll be able to manage it and be working OTR for someone else at the same time, plus driving an 18 is really what I want to be doing anyway.
As for the idle, I had the feeling he was full of it talking about routing around and away from, but as long as there is an alternative to baking/freezing in the sleeper then I'm okay with that as well. Another thing I was wondering about.. I know Central offers to install the inverters in the L/O trucks but I'm planning on staying company for at least a few years. So my question is this, can a company driver do a semi-permanent install of an inverter in a company owned truck without any repercussions? Also, the first time I called to Central with my huge list of questions, I asked, "could i bring my own CB antennas to install on the truck and just replace the company ones whenever I moved trucks?" The lady whom I was speaking with came back with, "you need to have all major modifications cleared with OTRM, Safety, and your DM before completing them." I just kinda laughed and went on with my list. I just wanted to make sure it was okay and not one of those stupid things that could get you canned. (Guess I'm going to have to get a can of salt for this job, or at least until after training hahaha)
Just out of curiosity Big Rigg, what exactly are the new laws that are making them do away with the KWs? I'm guessing something to do with emissions? -
do they do hair tests? i quit smoking 3 months ago and i know i can pass the dot test but idk if i can pass a hair test. im not a druggie. i just used to smoke a little on the weekends cause i dont drink. please no harassing answers i just dont want to mess up my dak
thanks -
I'm not sure if they do or not, my friend. I think I may have read a post by Lady K in the Central Refrigerated Truck Stop I thread about it but as its about 8000 pages deep I couldn't tell you where it was. Even at that, I'm sure someone in here knows for sure and Lady K is here now and checks in at least once a day from what I've seen. Don't quote me on this but I think it said they only do the D.O.T. pee test and no hair. However, I also hear they do a $h!t ton of randoms as well so don't slip up. You don't want a positive on your DAC because it will be on there for 7 years I believe and no company in their right mind will want to touch you.
Also, you're right for checking around before you jump the gun. If I were a company and I brought someone in, put them through class, orientation, and they failed a pre-employment drug screening, I'm not sure how I would feel about fronting a bus ticket for them to get home. Thats my honest opinion.
If Central does do hair tests then my advice to you would be just to wait it out, study up, stay clean, and in the mean-time try and get your CDL on your own if you dont have it already. It will save you a lot of time and head ache in the end. I'm not sure what all you got in you but it will all come out eventually and when it does, God willing, you'll be good to get out there with the big dogs.
Stay clean brother and good luck!
ps: I dont know what your particular money situation is, but, you can go down to a local lab and have a hair test done by yourself. I'm sure they are well in the range of $100 but there oughta be plenty around Atlanta, with the CDC being close-by and all. You can also buy a test off the internet, cut your hair, and send it to a lab for the analysis. That may be a little cheaper and its a trick for parents to use on their kiddos but hey.. it works! If nothing else, you'll know for sure. -
ok. thx for the info and i will check back here and see if anyone knows. thank you for the advice friend!
Lady K Thanks this.
sesstexas, As for you actually working for Central, that's not going to happen till you are 21.
Not trying to be rude here, but some of your attitude needs to be mellowed out some. You are not allow to do anything to CENTRAL's truck without their permission.. That includes changing CB antennas or installing inverters.. Permission is easy to get, but not if you decide to barge in and 'laugh'. Anything you do to THEIR truck needs to be able to be undone WITHOUT damage to the truck.
I am thinking you may be one of the great disappointed...
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