Chauffers License & CDL

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by Jack of all Trades, Nov 16, 2024.

  1. Jack of all Trades

    Jack of all Trades Bobtail Member

    Dec 13, 2016
    I had a CDL years ago and drove for a company for about 2 months before my wife made me give it up and the CDL, I still have a lot of anger toward my wife about that.

    I do IT Computer/ Network Technician work currently... the pay started at like 40k a year now its up to like 59k a year and I commute like an hour to work everyday...I been doing this job for like 6 years now and I regret I didn't stick to the trucking and told my wife to take a hike. I been told being over 40 by my manager that I am told old to be in IT and he is hiring younger guys in their 20's to replace me. He already got rid of one guy who was over 40 in our department and replaced him with a 21 year old. I am the oldest guy in my IT department, all my teamates are like in early to mid 20's. My manager also mentioned that my healthcare is more expensive for the company than a young 20 year old.... I don't at least see this kind of age discrimination in Trucking.

    I want to try to get back into Trucking. I have a relative who just has a Chauffeurs license and does local trucking. He says starting pay at the job is 50k a year with great benefits and getting hired is easy. No 1 hour commute to work everyday, this job is like 5 minutes from my house. I see trucking jobs like everywhere for the same pay or better pay than what I am being paid in IT. I see plenty of truckers in their 50's plus not like in IT where age 40 your seen as too old to be in IT.

    I before did a company sponsored CDL and passed the CDL on my first try... but of course my stupid wife made me forfeit the license to the BMV because she hates trucking... so now I got to take the whole thing over again... ugg.... I was thinking maybe I can start off with Chauffers and local trucking and then maybe get lucky and find another company to do a sponsored paid CDL training again like before....but since I did this before and quit maybe that will look bad and they won't want to sponsor me.... this time I am staying. I actually loved the two months I did OTR trucking before when I had the CDL. I loved traveling and seeing the US....if it wasn't for my stupid wife making me quit the job and give up that CDL..ugg so much anger toward her for throwing that job away.

    Any advice?
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  3. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Hi "Jack", welcome aboard. Lately, we've seen quite a few folks not in the trucking field lose their office/computer jobs, in record numbers. Here's a tip, if wifey hated it then, she'll hate it now. It was also the downfall of my trucking career. Sorry to say, you'll start at the bottom. and right now, with the crumbling of society, it seems trucking is the last game in town for many folks. I don't recommend it. Pay is always the biggie and rarely does it work out as they say. I've said before, desperation is no time to venture into a new gig, you are setting yourself up for failure. 6 years, you'll probably have to go to a school, I always say, a company that will teach and hire you is best, but again, it probably won't be what you want anyway. If really heck bent on trucking, I suggest a local outfit, but again,you'll start at the bottom. Good luck.
    MACK E-6 and tscottme Thank this.
  4. Jack of all Trades

    Jack of all Trades Bobtail Member

    Dec 13, 2016
    Well my cousin says he can get me in a local outfit that only requires a Chauffeur's license and starts at 50k a year with great benefits he says. He said as soon as get the Chauffeur's license he is almost positive I will be hired on the spot since he already talked to his boss I was interested. They also are desperate for drivers he says. He worked as a manager at a retail store for years but left that for trucking. He gets paid better doing trucking he says and it is a more stable career. Starting at the bottom at 50k a year where my cousin works is fine with me. I already talked to wife and gave her an ultimatimum that bills need to be paid and if she doesn't like trucking I will just divorce her. I been talking about it for years anyway with her.
    201 Thanks this.
  5. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Why not take your IT experience to a better company? You have lots of places to go in IT. This is not so in Trucking and the hours suck.
    TX2Day, Bean Jr. and 201 Thank this.
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    AI is costing lots of jobs all over the world. My nephew graduated from a university with a 4 yr. degree in Computer Science. He saw the light, so to speak, and now staying in the university another 2 years studying Artificial Intelligence.
    As for the $50K starting out in trucking; that's low.
    Get a CDL with all the endorsements and you'll do much better than $50K your first year.
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Are you in Chicago?
    I usually recommend refrigerated trucking. The reason is, you haul food and medicines which is always needed even during a recession/depression.
    There's also good pay with flatbed trucking. TMC and Maverick are both decent flatbed companies with their own inhouse CDL school.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Frequently Asked Questions - KLLM Transport Services
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    • How much am I paid while at the KLLM Driving Academy?
      For students who attend our Jackson, MS., academy, there is a $200 incentive bonus that is paid out to entry-level, permit holders, and refresher students during the 22 days. Students are also paid $812/week training pay while on the truck with their KLLM certified trainer for those 240 hours in total of training after graduation.
  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
  11. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
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