Connex 33 HP

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by DixonM, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. DixonM

    DixonM Medium Load Member

    May 22, 2022
    Just purchased a Connex 33 Hp for the truck already ran number 6 power wires to the top and will be installing it later today.
    Let see how many radio checks I can get out today and of course I will have to get my AUDIO test 123 in also LOL
    Diesel Dave Thanks this.
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  3. DixonM

    DixonM Medium Load Member

    May 22, 2022
    O I purchased the radio at Bells CB and had it tuned there as well.
  4. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I would have spent the money on the antenna first, then the radio last.
  5. Stringb8n

    Stringb8n Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    So what is a good BIG radio out of the box? Do the 10 meter radios work for CB radio as well? I know, I am radio illiterate. Please forgive me.
    High Stepper Thanks this.
  6. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    No such thing as a big radio. Focus on the antenna and look around for a good radio.
  7. DixonM

    DixonM Medium Load Member

    May 22, 2022
    For a good 10 meter on budget Ares 2 or the 6666 seem to be very popular.
    Stringb8n Thanks this.
  8. Stringb8n

    Stringb8n Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    So the wattage is garbage? 10 watts will reach just as far as 75 watts? One shop explained it to me that if I had a radio pushing "high power" I would only even be able to communicate to others with the same amount of power. I have a bearcat 880 right now, and it blows. I won't ever buy another one of those.
  9. DixonM

    DixonM Medium Load Member

    May 22, 2022
    IMG_4607.jpeg IMG_4600.jpeg IMG_4603.jpeg IMG_4608.jpeg All my radios do well I can pick up skip heck I even did a little skipping with my Lincoln 2+
    I just like the sound of the big radios I run two Wilson 2000 antennas I have low SWR on channel 20 I have 1.2 SWR I also ran the bigger power wires up someone had suggested some time ago that I should do a voltage drop test. And IMG_4600.jpeg with the small radios and would drop 1.2 volts when keyed up so I ran #6 wire to the top.
    handlebar and Oxbow Thank this.
  10. VolvoTerry

    VolvoTerry Light Load Member

    Sep 7, 2015
    Based out of Omaha,NE
    As Ridgeline stated focus on the Antenna first. A well tuned resonant antenna will out perform simply adding more power. Once the Antenna is locked in then yes a radio with more output power (including bigger than stock power lines to the battery) will see noticeable gains. Many different converted (Amateur) Radios do great and tend to be users preference. Some times the preference is simply will it fit in the radio console built into the truck lol. I had a RCI 39 VHP die on me a month ago while on tour and out of necessity replaced it temporarily with a Cobra 29 and it performed similarly with in a mile or 2 with no other stations interfering. Greater distances and skip (or on a noisy channel) is where the increased power starts to shine on the same antenna. The RCI has been fixed and now i will toggle using it and the new Stryker 655 I purchased 2 weeks ago to see which i prefer more.
  11. DixonM

    DixonM Medium Load Member

    May 22, 2022
    Yea I will also put this out we have another driver same truck bought a cobra 29 had it peaked and tuned and with all factory wiring and antennas it was beast I listed to him having it out with a ham radio guy and he would not believe him on his radio selection thought he was running a monster radio lol so some times it seems to be luck of the draw.
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