Hey folks!
It's not that I don't have a job. I have one that quite possibly will never go away. I am currently and equipment operator at a Recycling MRF. Most days I spend operating a Cat 924h. Not that that is bad, but I'm constantly dodging 3 or 4 forklifts, a bobcat or two, and pedestrians that don't have any situational awareness whatsoever. It is dirty work. Add in the sweat, and I look like a mudman at quitting time way too often. I like the guys I work for for the most part. Most of the people I work around should not be allowed to pollute the gene pool further than they already have. The money isn't bad. A long way from good, but I have zero debt. I live below my means and like it that way.
I put in an online application for Central/Swift on Sunday. As of 10am today the recruiter had sent me the link for the online training class. When I asked I was told that as long as I could come up clean on a drug test, and pass the CDL exam that he could not see a reason I wouldn't be offered a job.
Is it really that easy?
I know that as long as I can learn to back a trailer up correctly I can learn the rest. It is different equipment, but I can thread a needle with the CAT. I can run a bobcat all day and not bog the engine.
I'm not worried about being able to live on the road. I have lived on a 24 foot sailboat and been quite comfortable.
I need out of where I am. Not to escape from who I am.
I just get a bit leary when it is that easy to find a job.
Never done drugs. My one DWI was well over 10 years ago. My driving record is dead clean. Still have both eyes and all my toes. Is that all they really are looking for? You cats know the scene far better than I do.
Really appreciate any insigts you guys have.
Considering A change
Discussion in 'Central Refrigerated' started by SV Jazzasaur, Aug 12, 2014.
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Keep on CK. around many other co. have better deal, easy it is to get trucking job the worst job it turns out to be!
imagine dodging 10000 forklifts a day and squirles crossing the roads all day that is trucking. as long as you have a heart beat not on drugs and can pass a road test your hired to easy at a mega
I'm sure China will chime in soon, but I'd go tanker if I was you. The money is a little better for your first year. I'd go with Schneider over Swift off pure speculation. Never worked for either. I avoided the megas when I started. Gotta think of all the min wage morons in the offices of these mega carriers that have never seen the inside of a truck telling you what to do. If you've found this website before hiring on to a company, you have taken a step in the right direction. Use the search function, and read as much as you can. The info on this website in endless. Put the Swift idea on hold and study up.
Good luck, and stay safe. -
Yes, it's that easy to enter the trucking field. Pass a simple physical, drug test, MVR pretty good, and you're in.
icsheeple recommended Schneider Bulk (tankers) and that's a good recommendation. It's been posted that Schneider has a new program funding CDL school, so ask about that.
Put your location on your profile so we know the hiring area you live in.icsheeple Thanks this. -
It's that easy because this company will hire anyone that doesn't have high blood pressure and can pass a drug test. You won't make any money here and that's why they are always hiring due to turnover. Do some more research on other companies. My opinion is that if a company doesn't have Apu's they don't care about you!
APU's are overrated. The initial and maintenance costs takes as many miles to recover than Swift keeps the trucks.
I idle when I need to.
To the OP, yes, it is that easy if you are clean. And with the recent pay increase Swift is more in the game.
For my part, and for what it's worth, I have found Swift to be a decent company to work for.
I've had my gripes, especially about paid miles. But even that has gotten a LOT better in recent months.
My current load is around 1650 miles paid, and I'll be driving less than 1700. That is very close to actual miles.
During my first couple years it was not unusual to see a 10-20% difference.
If you go with Swift all you need to do is learn the system to get along great. (I can help you with that privately, if you sign on.)
The money is not the best, but starting positions in any field are the same.
They are a great place to start (if you get a decent driver leader, like any company), and once you get a year or two in you can always move to something better.
I've been here nearly 4 years and have no plans for a change. I like it here. So do thousands of other long term Swifties.
One thing about Swift... They will never force you to drive when YOU consider it unsafe to do so.
I have shut down because of weather conditions many times. It might be icy roads or wind or... but when I decide to shut down because I think it is not safe to drive, it has always been supported and approved.
The same can not be said for many. -
They will let you idle your truck up to a certain percentage. If you go over that they send you nasty grams on your Qualcomm. Apu's aren't only used for heating and cooling. They will also power an inverter, something else Swift frowns upon. If you don't like to eat out every meal or can't afford to because of the company paying you squat it is nice to have a fridge and microwave!
I have been over percentage on idle since my first month, sometimes (most times) by a LOT!
Keep the other figures in line (fuel mileage, on-time percentage, safety rating...) and the idle is the lesser of the evils.
Right now I am cooking a very nice meal of baked chicken, rice and steamed string beans. All in my 12V lunchbox oven.
Tomorrow it will be a baked potato, steamed carrots and salmon.
My computer is powered by an inverter. And I leave it connected and in the open when the truck is in the shop. No problems.
I have a Coleman cooler to keep things cold. Yes, COLD. (all it takes is the correct fan to keep things at near freezing temps)
I don't need a high power inverter or a microwave to keep me connected or fed well.
Like I said...
Learn the system. Learn what is allowed, how to work the plans and how to adjust things, and you can do well.
Even with Swift.SV Jazzasaur and skyviper73 Thank this. -
Thanks for all the replies guys.
@Moosetek. What kind of lunchbox oven? I have had a couple of the koolatrons for my boat. Works great as a crock-pot type thing for me. And how/where do you keep it clean?
As with most things it seems it will be what I choose to make of it.
I'm slogging through the online exam prep they sent me. I know I can pass a DOT physical. The poking and prodding for an MMD is at least as stringent. Maybe more so. Like I said earlier the recruiter said he saw no problems with my work history. I already fessed up to a public intox in @1998, and a DWI in 2002. He saw no problem there. Haven't had a ticket or an accident in eons. What could go sideways that I haven't thought of during orientation that would cause me to not be hired? I try to think of all the ways something could go sideways beforehand. Plan for waht you can =, and the things you don't see can usually be deal with much easier.
Thanks you again guys.Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
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