cr england graduates!?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by slmr85, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. slmr85

    slmr85 Bobtail Member

    May 10, 2012
    fayetteville, NC
    did any of you ACTUALLY GRADUATED & COMPLETED phase training with CR ENGLAND & drove for them for 6 months?! please list your experience with them!
    Menehune Thanks this.
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  3. Kairidragon

    Kairidragon Light Load Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    Where I Park it!
    there are so many other forums about england.. but yes my husband graduated and finished phase training with England and his 6 months is up in 2 wks. Yes we will be signing another lease. If you find the forum about nice things only about england you can find our experiences with england there along with many others
    Menehune and slmr85 Thank this.
  4. Menehune

    Menehune Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    wow, someone with something positive to say about England. May I ask a question? I am seeking information concerning CDL training with England. Not for me. My daughter is thinking of going with England to upgrade her Class B to A, and possibly start her driving career. What could you , or your husband, tell me about the Training? Anything concerning it would be great. After all the bad things she has read, and heard, about England she is a bit skeptical.
  5. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    So 99.9% of the people that trained with England make negative posts and you are swayed by .1% posting positive . Why do you think CRE has over 90% turnover ? Why are they always pushing people through orientation when their fleet size never increases ?
    Have you read the posts by CRE trainers bragging about getting 5,000 miles a week ? Trainees are just $300 a week team drivers . The trainers are asleep while the trainee drives .
  6. Menehune

    Menehune Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Well rick, Did you attend England CDL school? Did you work for them?

    This individual, by the post, has. Therefore I would like to hear what they have to say. Besides, I have read those posts. But most of those people who actually work for them, that I have met, seem to say differently.

    Anyway, I am seeking information from someone who has been there. If you have then let me hear your version.
    Cooper09 Thanks this.
  7. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    Been with England for four years this September. Did the phase 1/2 training, leased, bought truck at end, and now truck has been paid off for a year. Been through 5 driver managers and 4 different fleets so I have been/seen a lot at England.

    Your daughter is going to need a little luck with what type of trainer she gets, if you get started on the wrong foot it will lead to disaster.

    If she lives in Washington state there will be little chance that she will be offered a company position. If she does a 6 month demo lease her best bet is to pair up with a friend or someone she can trust from school.
    Menehune Thanks this.
  8. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    it will be a rough road but it is possible
    Menehune Thanks this.
  9. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    No , I am "overqualified" for CRE training . Go ahead and listen to someone who just finished the 6 month bait lease where they get enough miles to be mislead into thinking that will continue once they are hooked on a long term lease .
    You think it's such a great idea why don't you take the advice of having your daugher team with someone she knows and cosign the lease and team with her ?
  10. Menehune

    Menehune Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Rick, as you stated that you never went to England, for school nor work. Therefore, I am supposed to listen to you with no knowledge of England except what others say. I will stick with those who have been there, whether they are positive or negative. Although it appears that it is personal to you, a venom towards England. Could it be you feel this hatred for England cause they refused you, or you could not cut the mustard.

    Oh, I would team with my daughter rick, if I did not have another job.

    As for the rest of you, not Rick, I thank you very much for your knowledge that you have shared.
  11. RoadToad69

    RoadToad69 Mistress of Mayhem

    Sep 20, 2007
    BFE, TX
    I have never been with CRE, never trained with them BUT....

    I just recently picked up a new team driver. She came from CRE...went through their training program....but quit due to the pressure to lease a truck (which she did NOT want to do) and came over here.

    My experience - they even COVER backing of ANY kind over there. Seriously! This lady can't back to save her life! She has less than NO clue on how to set up for a back and had NO clue how to control the back 8 tires. She just throws it in reverse and starts slinging the wheel around hoping to get lucky. She had a 45 minute demolition derby the other night...smashing into other trailers. WTH???

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