CR England "refresher course"

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Trickdog, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Trickdog

    Trickdog Bobtail Member

    Jun 7, 2010
    louisville ky
    CRE says they will hire me but first you have to go through there 17 day, 12 hour a day refresher course even though I got my cdl from a school a month ago. As well you spend 90 days on the road with two different instructors.The reduced fee which reguarly is 1495.00 is now 500.00. This sounds like a freaking scam. You get on the hook for this so called refresher course and then they try and burn you out while your making little of nothing after the 55.00 a week is taken out of your check as well as taxes.How is this any different from going back to school? I was in school 16 days at almost twelve hours a day. And they think it's necessary to do it over? Since when do you have to pay a company to hire you? I'm having a lot of trouble getting hired by anyone but having the option to go with these obvious crooks or having to quit looking and get a regular job has me leaning towards dropping the cdl job chase. Has anyone who has worked with these a-holes have anything to say?
    basstime54 Thanks this.
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  3. kickin chicken

    kickin chicken Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Wow, that is crazy. What companies did your school suggest? Try a search for local jobs such as vendors/ distributors to see if you can utilize your CDL locally with them. Also, try a search for trucking companies, for your area, to see if you can come up with a better alternative for yourself.

    Keep us posted and best of luck!!!!
    basstime54 Thanks this.
  4. Trickdog

    Trickdog Bobtail Member

    Jun 7, 2010
    louisville ky
    CRE is the last company he suggested to me after I told my instructor the situation of me not being able to get a job. Apparently it is the company to go to when all else has failed. Thanks for the advice.
    basstime54 Thanks this.
  5. ChromeDome

    ChromeDome Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Lakeland, FL
    Central Refrigerated is better than them, but they were only hiring from there school for a while. Do not know if that has changed yet.
    At least with them you only go out with a trainer for a month, and they pay like 400 a week training pay.
    Try Maverick or some of the other training friendly flatbed company's. Schneider is looking to hire 2000 drivers right now also.
    It has only been a month, so that is in your favor. If you go 3 months nobody will hire you without a refresher.
    basstime54 Thanks this.
  6. RonS666

    RonS666 Light Load Member

    Jan 5, 2010
    Gainesville Ga
    I wouldn't pay a company for a job. I'd look around.
    basstime54 Thanks this.
  7. Trickdog

    Trickdog Bobtail Member

    Jun 7, 2010
    louisville ky
    Thanks for the advice. All three of these companys have turned me down.
    basstime54 and kickin chicken Thank this.
  8. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    I am going out with Cr England and I am very concerned now after reading all of the bad things online about them however I happen to know from experience of being a website owner that most people who have good things to say about a company do not post them. Hatred actually rules ten times more than love.. it actually makes people determined. So I would not be so quick to judge. I am not however looking for a leasing option.
    basstime54 Thanks this.
  9. kickin chicken

    kickin chicken Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2009

    Fawne, obviously you have not done enough reading on this site.
    We offer the good, the bad and the ugly of the Trucking Industry.
    Members are all allowed and welcome to post about their experiences here. It is not hatred. There are many legitimate complaints against trucking companies. Yes, there are occasional complainers, but, they don't last long on the board. One would have to do their own homework based upon the information that our members provide to secure their own success.

    Best of Luck!!!
    basstime54 and truckerdaddy24 Thank this.
  10. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    I agree with you however those who have not got time to be on this website moaning about what has happened to them must be out driving hadn't they?

    I plan to go to CR England. Since I have been a member of this site for a few months I will let you all know how it goes.

    I'm not stupid enough to sign a lease. I need some exp on the road.
    If I think they are using me I will be going to another company.

    I remember hearing about werner and swift years ago and how 'bad' that they were.
    Now people actually think they are not that bad.
    So what is the real truth?

    I suppose I will find out for myself.
    I have actually been reading this site and many other sites.

    I am a gypsy and i have nothing to loose.
    basstime54 Thanks this.
  11. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    $500 is par to the course for refreshers. The down side is you still have to do the same amount of miles and weeks with trainers that any other student gets. The time may have changed since I was there.

    The inside joke is, your first part is with a trainer. The second part is actually a trainee whom doesnt know squat about trucking yet, but your supposed to ride with them to get your miles up. Then you get to work for yourself.
    fawne and basstime54 Thank this.
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