Can someone let me know when CR England is moving to Mexico? They are closing operations and leaving. My husband will not stay with them if this is the case...
CR moving to Mexico?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Cassie, Jul 4, 2018.
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They're probably just opening a division in Mexico.
Swift has had a division there for decades.
Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
Intothesunset, CJ701, Big Trip and 1 other person Thank this. -
Where did you hear that from?
The division is named Trans-Mex.
The photo on the right is an old M.S. Carriers photo. Swift bought M.S. Carriers a long time ago and integrated it into Swift. Still see some M.S. Carriers trailers around and that one in the picture is in Mexico.Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
Intothesunset, Odin's Rabid Dog, Big Trip and 1 other person Thank this. -
We just had to do a good pretrip when picking up trailers from the dropyards. Always missing Glad hand seals and lightsBig Trip Thanks this. -
bzinger, not4hire, Nava-jo x press and 2 others Thank this.
That is standard operating in those areas if you want to keep them on trailer, stop for a short time that stuff just magically is gone.
dptrucker Thanks this. -
buddyd157 Thanks this.
No state income taxes.
No food taxes.
Here's my view of the Las Vegas Strip from where I live. That's as close to the strip as I care to be. 15 minute drive on a good day though if desired.
Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
Flat Earth Trucker, smokey12, jbird05031126 and 6 others Thank this.
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