Curious about CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by inverse, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. inverse

    inverse Bobtail Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    OK. my name is Inverse. Hello.
    moving on, i'm curious. i leave for CRE in 2 days. i've done hours of countless research, mostly on this forum. from what i'm seeing, a lot of people have very negative perspectives on this company. i spoke with a friend of mine who worked for CRE for a year, and he claimed the pay was great, the work was there, and he had literally no problems while he was with the company. he left because he wanted to be home more, which was the only downfall. trainer was great, pay was even better.

    what's the problem with CRE?
    i only ask because i want to work for them. i want to make money more. what exactly am i missing?
    thanks for the input guys.
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  3. Wildhorse192001

    Wildhorse192001 Light Load Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Campbellsville ky
    Never worked for them but I did work for USA truck. I've always noticed that big companies are all the same. Short runs, low cpm, and very impersonal. My advice, don't matter where you go to start out, learn as much as you can while you're there and move on to a smaller company that will actually know you by your name not by your truck number! Good luck driver!
  4. Child of God

    Child of God Light Load Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    Coeburn VA
    "what's the problem with CRE?" Read the Report a bad trucking company here on this forum.
    "i only ask because i want to work for them." What ever you do, DONT!! " i want to make money more." You wont, YOU WILL STARVE! "what exactly am i missing?" The truth, Check here and also on Rip Off Report . com.
    "thanks for the input guys. Your welcome, just make sure you listen to it. Many people thought they knew better only to find out every one who told them to stay away were right! I have been a trucker for a long time and I have heard way more bad than good about CR.
  5. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    You read all the complaints on England which in general all state the same thing...they're a bunch of crooks and you ask why so many negative complaints but you take the one positive and think everyone else if crazy...

    well, good luck at England..can't say we didn't say...told you so.
  6. Wildhorse192001

    Wildhorse192001 Light Load Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Campbellsville ky
    Same hear child, you definitely ain't gonna make money in that first year anyways, no matter where you go but good luck, if this is what you wanna do for a living then you gotta start somewhere
  7. Wildhorse192001

    Wildhorse192001 Light Load Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Campbellsville ky
    Here I mean, dang auto correct
  8. Wildhorse192001

    Wildhorse192001 Light Load Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Campbellsville ky
    Did they mention to you that you'll also be driving about a 61 mph truck? You'll have kids in car seats flipping you off lol. All the big company trucks are slow like that but cre and prime are the slowest of the slow. That slow truck will cost you roughly 6,000 bucks in wages over a year as a company driver just because you can't run as many miles as you should be able to in one day, it's a rough life, when I was with USA I was driving a 60 mph truck, that's how I calculated those numbers
  9. inverse

    inverse Bobtail Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    - i'm pretty sure i just stated that i spent countless hours of research, mostly on this forum. thanks.

    - Telling me not to, without providing a reason from personal experience will not help me.

    - i've done the same thing with other trucking companies, and lots of people have negative things to say about each one. "The Truth" isn't exactly a broad explanation.

    - just because you've been a trucker for an "x" amount of years, plus you hearing more bad things than good about CRE, doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.

    i want to read posts from actual people who have worked for CRE for at least 1 year. all comments are appreciated, i'm not discouraging that. but if you're going to post things like what "Child of God" just posted, just be prepared to have it picked apart just as i did with this post here.
  10. Wildhorse192001

    Wildhorse192001 Light Load Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Campbellsville ky
    Well I'm out then, good luck to ya
  11. inverse

    inverse Bobtail Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    Thanks. Again, any comments are appreciated.
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