Danny Herman Orientation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Canwil3565, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. coueshunter

    coueshunter Heavy Load Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    The bonus is very easy to make. I’ve never missed a bonus. I mean never!
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  3. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    100 bucks for layover pay is a joke if ya ask me. They pay is low, to many games being played, way to much team coddling going on. Mileage pay sucks, as well as getting screwed over on zip code to zip code mileage too. I lost over 200 miles on a load and they did nothing about it. Working 3 hours for free does not settle very well for me.
  4. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    They may be like you majority the drivers aren't so lucky it's why there is a high turn. I know what I am worth when a driver doesn't or settles for less that's on them that's there decision. You know I never enjoyed the money working for swift it was a stepping stone served its purpose. that said pay from swift would be better, and the detention pay be better too. When I have to compare a smaller company to a mega carrier like this it doesn't reflect good on the company. I have asked other drivers at the terminals they only intent use them for a stepping stone too all them that I have talked to said they have plans for somewhere better..

    Like I said before if your content with it by all means enjoy it but to us drivers who expect better people need be informed what they jumping into like no detention pay till after 24 hours. not 2 hours, bonus pay if they decide let you have it because I have talked many drivers and none seem to get it ever. maybe they like you or something I have no clue. then theres the below national average cpm for the drivers who do come into the door. Long mileage maybe good not if your shop every week.

    I need set money amount weekly if I cannot make it I will go elsewhere till I find it there maybe another driver for that truck I left at the terminal but there are other companies out there for me.
  5. coueshunter

    coueshunter Heavy Load Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    If it’s about money, ill go paycheck for paycheck with my Danny herman paychecks.. I’ll show you what my worth is..
  6. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    You really need to talk with other driver at DHT. What is happening with you is not going so well with others. Something is going on with DHT. There are over 40 trailers in Colexico and no empties. 15 bobtails at the USA truck stop with no loads. Not to mention a driver went I Colexico last night and was told no more trailers.
  7. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    Better yet, why not tell people the truth like the 40k it cost DHT in idiot drivers hooking up to the wrong trailer and taking it down the road. This has been going on for months. The company has gone down hill with where they were just a year ago.
  8. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    It's called working smarter not harder, they don't offer detention, they don't like breakdown pay,there safety bonus is more like looking for the pot gold at end of a rainbow. on top that they have constant garbage for APU couple from forums and met more at the terminals them trying fix there APU. If you can't roll you can't generate money. There are better companies out there who get same mileage and more cpm and paid for stops. if you like see how smarter looks try walmart people doing 5 days out 2 off generate more then you ever gonna see at DHT.

    I have tried to be respectful to drivers who put up with it and drivers who actually like it but if you gonna spout off nonsense that it's so great why do they feel the need to deceive there drivers coming in.

    Walmart doesn't most expect working at a certain exceptional level that's my end goal everyone knows they pay well and who know maybe you have to push yourself little more effort in those 5 days but when you see that paycheck best ever been can you say it be bad.
    HD_Renegade Thanks this.
  9. coueshunter

    coueshunter Heavy Load Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    If you can’t make 12k miles a month (bonus miles) you should hang up the keys and apply at McDonald’s. That’s gravy miles. I do that and go home every month. I stay out all month and get solo of the month with 16k++ miles.

    There is not a single other company who gets same mileage and same cents per mile.. I’ll wait for these companies.

    Ya, if you want to move close to the terminal and be on extra board till you have a route at wal
  10. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    I have talked to many who do that and some reason seems not ever achieve it, I spoke with 4 at a terminal and one actually showed me his pay. whats funny even after they watch them they get nothing extra. so no extra money sitting at a shipper, who does this? bad companies who think your time is worthless you think 12k miles is hard it isn't. The problem is their lies and low CPM your right no company get the same most decent ones aim to give you the nation average .40cpm and 3000k mileage isn't hard for a company to give. Hell even when with swift there were months I got over 1200 gross sadly after taxes was more like 800.
    800 take home ain't nothing.

    Still, no excuse them lying to the drivers the recruiters MO may be a lying sociopath but me that's a no-no especially comes to my wallet. My time is valuable after 2 hours and no more I expect to be compensated some want sooner but that's me. those who think being paid under the national average is acceptable sending a bad message unless they are willing to pay extra for like stops, layover, breakdown, detention few others out there but the high CPM isn't a must if they give extra pay for other stuff. Otherwise, I say higher CPM is needed. like 50-62 but then that doesn't include my stops so I am gonna bank so much better.

    If you are happy there fine, Don't claim that DHT is the greatest company, to me they below Swift. And I am not pro swift but if there's a choice between swift and DHT I will steer someone to swift first only if that as a last resort before nothing.
  11. coueshunter

    coueshunter Heavy Load Member

    Nov 23, 2014

    Who cares about detention pay if you’re already making more ‍♂️
    You have the potential to make here then most companies.. but you want more! Other companies that give you that take away elsewhere.
    If you’re making more, you’re being compensated..
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