DOT remotely accessing electronic logs

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by beavismorpheus, May 21, 2018.

  1. Farmerbob1

    Farmerbob1 Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2017
    The reason debt is increasing still is because the economy was throttled by the last administration, after the housing bubble crash. While the economy was throttled, we spent trillions in the middle East, and shipped millions of jobs overseas.

    It will take years of decent growth to make up economic lost ground and get into a position to start paying down the debt.

    The problem with that is that shortly after the economy starts to get healthy again, we'll elect a Democrat President and destroy the economy again.
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  3. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    This is a way bigger discussion and I am le tired. I'd like to think about it and discuss more in another thread sometime.
  4. AlBig

    AlBig Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2017
    One simple answer.. When you get a good $$ load take it. Costumers in both end have too agree on it. O/O shall not take it for less than $1000 a day, 1099 should be happy @ $350 a day. And we all be fine. No matter how many stops you have we all have too pay bills
  5. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    If you could go back in time to the mid 50s and ask truckers about satellite communication and things like cell phones and the internet you might get some strange looks. Today almost every OTR truck and a lot of local drivers have QCs and cell phones. It would be very easy for the FMCSA to start mandating things like logs as well as speed information to be part of the QC system. Then this information would be required to be reported real time to the DOT. Think about the primary problem for DOT cops today. That is getting log information real time on the spot without having to wait. The days of a trucker being given expense money and sent off are long ago over. Rear facing cameras hard break tattletales etc etc are very very very soon going to be standard operating procedure for carriers. Another 25 years and I doubt anybody will be able to recognize how trucking was done 10 years ago. Is technology great or not?
    ibcalm19 Thanks this.
  6. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    Keep your political spin to yourself please......
    stwik Thanks this.
  7. Hulld

    Hulld Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    Upstate NY
    I run the VDO solo which has not cellular capabilities at all but when you manually download load your driver key to your computer at your place of business out on to the cloud all your information goes.
    They call it there portal.
    Why will most eld companies not allow you to store you info at your place of business if that’s what the law prescribes?
    Even in the VDO user agreement there is a clause that reads like “ if they are asked by a third party for your information they will do there best to resolve the issue with you”
    That clause certainly doesn’t sound very protective of my information.
    Also the law says you need to maintain 6 months of previous logs but yet the VDO portal keeps all your logs forever.
    I ask VDO if there was a way to dump older logs from the portal that were not longer required by law and the answer was “there is no provision for that”
    When I asked why that would be the answer was “ that’s just the way it works”.
  8. 6wheeler

    6wheeler Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    I could see a count down clock placed on the side of the truck. Or a red and green light linked to driving hours left
  9. Hulld

    Hulld Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    Upstate NY
    Although you may have a little extra level of comfort .
    once you logs have been on your tablet, emailed and on your carriers computer they are far from gone forever.
  10. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    People that understand computers will tell you clearly deleting does not mean removal. However carriers have backups. Data once sent you lose all control.
  11. rabbiporkchop

    rabbiporkchop Road Train Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Wapwallopen, Pa
    The drone idea was pretty creative.
    brian991219 Thanks this.
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