The difference being much of this EV crap is being pushed by government mandate and not market forceps the battery technology is at its theoretical limit as it is. The electrical infrastructure improvements are restricted by government mandates. I agree technology is amazing when driven by wants and needs. Kitty hawk in 1903 to predator drones in 2024. The EV’s have a place but just because the government says it’s so doesn’t make the laws of physics and engineering change. Also the economics of EVs falls apart once government subsidies are removed.
Electric dreams
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Cat sdp, Dec 9, 2024.
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Why hasn’t the gubment outlawed the building of new gas stations. QT and Valero are opening up new ones every week. NONE of them have charging stations.
86scotty, ShortBusKid, Flat Earth Trucker and 4 others Thank this. -
Did you catch that they are using solar panels to charge the batteries….. works well in the deserts of AU not so much up here on the tundra
LTL Bull, Flat Earth Trucker, tscottme and 2 others Thank this. -
Edison Motors is also working on electric truck. Kinda funny when they go to the charging station. They are going to put the Scania V8 engine in their trucks. It’s a heavy duty off road logging truck. If people have not seen their truck it’s extreme duty truck. He not plastic parts. The truck will very expensive but they plan on building them for sale.
Opendeckin, Flat Earth Trucker, tscottme and 2 others Thank this. -
Opendeckin and tscottme Thank this.
Opendeckin Thanks this.
What I like about Edison is that its designed primarily by actual loggers, not some people with college education and zero grasp on how things work in the real world.
All this talk means nothing without more power generation like 2x more than at present . Solar & wind nope , natural gas units ? Nuclear ? It'll be a dam regulatory fight every step of the way .
tscottme, LTL Bull and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this. -
You are correct, the electrical grid does not provide anywhere near enough electricity to even double the number of battery-electric vehicles, not to mention all road vehicles being battery-electric.broke down plumber Thanks this.
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