Estes otr position

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Ryne, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. Ryne

    Ryne Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2021
    Hello all I applied to this position here in Las Vegas last Monday. Recruiter called me Tuesday said I need to update my 10 year work history they will send me the link just to take my time because they can only send it once. I was doing it on my tablet and was using my phone to look up addresses and whatnot. Well I had the company website on one of my windows and accidentally opened it which logged me out on my tablet well I opened it back up and was still there but I think the logout actually sent it. But after I logged back in I finished it and sent it off. Well I called them back to c if he received it. And he told me that it was still incorrect due to gaps. There was nothing they could do and couldn’t move on with me. I’d have to wait till it closes if no one gets it and reapply or wait for spot in future. Well I decided to apply again using my second email and wife’s phone. Do u think this will work?
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  3. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    How many people do you think are applying for that one position? If it’s not several hundred, he’s probably going to recognize your name and toss it out again.
  4. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    write the needed info on a piece of paper.
    broke down plumber Thanks this.
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Go in person and apply.
    Make up some BS story; "I tried to apply online several times, but the website kept refreshing and my app was deleted each time."
  6. Ryne

    Ryne Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2021
    I didn’t think they still had in person applications
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I haven't heard that. If I wanted to work there, I'd go in person and try anyway.
  8. Ryne

    Ryne Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2021
    Ya unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to make it till Friday. I’ll see if they email me tomo with a denial or not. Then guess go from there. I can only hope it doesn’t fill and they repost it then I can apply under my first email and have a chance then.
  9. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    Whatever @Chinatown says... Do it. He's like a trucking encyclopedia or something.
  10. duckdiver

    duckdiver Road Train Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Surf city
    I doubt Estes has paper apps if some random guy showed up to my company and told the stupidvisor he wanted to work here they’d tell him to fill out an app online, if we were desperate and the dude looked hire able the stupidvisor might give him his number to call after he submitted the app.

    ltl is pretty dead right now and Vegas trucking jobs are over saturated with applicants right now I mean he can try worst is he will get a no but don’t have high hopes

    sounds bogus on the end of the recruiter to screw him over like that though anyone with common sense and decency would let him resubmit the app especially if they were actually looking to hire
    Ryne Thanks this.
  11. McUzi

    McUzi Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    The recruiter is FOS and that’s his way of telling an applicant that he doesn’t want to deal with you.
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