expediter services

Discussion in 'Expediter and Hot Shot Trucking Forum' started by beboppinbigun1, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. beboppinbigun1

    beboppinbigun1 Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    Does anyone have any info on this company? I am supposed to talk to them this week about driving one of their trucks and any info i could get would be great.
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  3. Bigarmin88

    Bigarmin88 Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2008
    Tampa Bay Fl
    After google search seems to me they hire for muti-carriers.Only problem they don't say which ones.Smells that a scam to me.I would stay away.
  4. beboppinbigun1

    beboppinbigun1 Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    Thanks I had looked into them that way as well. I was hopeing to find someone that had acctually delt with them, they have trucks leased on with Fed Ex CC, Express-1, and Panther Expedited. I did find some of there drivers on one of the expediter boards and all were happy. I am taking the plunge with them going to drive one of their trucks for Panther. Leaving today. Everyone I met at there office has been super to deal with I am looking forward to working with them.
  5. Yadira

    Yadira Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    need someone give me an advice... how to talk with owner or a driver

    can I ask you question?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2010
  6. kickin chicken

    kickin chicken Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Of course you can ask, just post your questions, Yadira. That is how you will get responses.

    Yadira Thanks this.
  7. beboppinbigun1

    beboppinbigun1 Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    Expediter services is a fleet owner, and they have drivers available to talk with if you are interested in driving for them.Give me a little time and i will have more firsthand info.
    Yadira Thanks this.
  8. beboppinbigun1

    beboppinbigun1 Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    Well i finished orientation today and already missed out on a couple of good loads because i didn't have enough hours left after being in orientation all day, panther and expediter services have been great to me so far. All of the other drivers i have met have been positive, even met 2 teams that left and came back. i will post more as i go. i wil do my best to answer any questions
  9. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    we drove for jason for nine months out of the 5 yrs we were at Fed Ex CC...they are a great company...and always paid us on time.....we arent there any longer because of business being slow last year...but would recommend them...they have trucks leased to fed ex cc...panther and tri state...they have staight trucks and tractors...good luck...wish i would have seen this sooner....
    beboppinbigun1 Thanks this.
  10. taz'smom

    taz'smom Bobtail Member

    Sep 2, 2009
    My husband and I worked for them about one year. We started with them in Jan.,2008. The way their company works is: They own the trucks and you drive for them as a company driver(independent contractor). You choose which company you want them to lease the truck to. At the time you could choose between Tri-State, FedEx CC or Panther. From what I understand, they no longer have trucks leased to Tri-State, but switched to Express-1. You go to orientation at the company of your choice and the truck is waiting there for you. They were very fair, paid every week, but we ran for them at the start of the recession, so freight got very slow and we had to leave. Very friendly staff. The only thing we didn't like is the bunk. Their trucks have studio sleepers, which means the bed is a couch. You have to fold the back down to make a bed out of it. Not very big for two during downtime,and we had to add extra padding to make it somewhat more comfortable. I guess you could buy a mattress to fit if you feel like spending the money. I heard that now you can lease your own truck on to Expeditor Services. They are the largest expeditor owner in the industry. I do recommend them. :biggrin_255:
    beboppinbigun1 Thanks this.
  11. beboppinbigun1

    beboppinbigun1 Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    we drove for jason for nine months out of the 5 yrs we were at Fed Ex CC...they are a great company...and always paid us on time.....we arent there any longer because of business being slow last year...but would recommend them...they have trucks leased to fed ex cc...panther and tri state...they have staight trucks and tractors...good luck...wish i would have seen this sooner....

    My husband and I worked for them about one year. We started with them in Jan.,2008. The way their company works is: They own the trucks and you drive for them as a company driver(independent contractor). You choose which company you want them to lease the truck to. At the time you could choose between Tri-State, FedEx CC or Panther. From what I understand, they no longer have trucks leased to Tri-State, but switched to Express-1. You go to orientation at the company of your choice and the truck is waiting there for you. They were very fair, paid every week, but we ran for them at the start of the recession, so freight got very slow and we had to leave. Very friendly staff. The only thing we didn't like is the bunk. Their trucks have studio sleepers, which means the bed is a couch. You have to fold the back down to make a bed out of it. Not very big for two during downtime,and we had to add extra padding to make it somewhat more comfortable. I guess you could buy a mattress to fit if you feel like spending the money. I heard that now you can lease your own truck on to Expeditor Services. They are the largest expeditor owner in the industry. I do recommend them. :biggrin_255:

    Thank...... i started with them the middle of june, they are great people to work with. My truck is leased on with Panther, I am driving solo, the truck is a freightliner m2 with a alumabunk sleeper very nice truck. The only issue i have had so far is with Panther and not Expediter Services, both times i have been home the Qualcom puts me on the wrong board and i miss out on loads. it is because the system has the wrong zipcode for my home location, Expediters has been helping me to get the issue resolved hopefully it will be by the time i come home again.
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