Discussion in 'Hazmat Trucking Forum' started by PanthersFan39, Oct 28, 2024.

  1. PanthersFan39

    PanthersFan39 Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2024
    I pretty much have hazmat and a Twic. Does anyone know how hard the FAST card is? I noticed any offense will disqualify you? I had an adjudicated charge when I was 17. should I get it expunged? Does anyone know more? I need enlightenment.
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  3. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    I would get it expunged no matter what.
  4. Blu_Ogre

    Blu_Ogre Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    Out west
    The sticking point is usually Canadian customs. They are a bit strict on who they let wonder around their country. They use a different background search system... Think more along the lines of the "INTERPOL" of movies, myth, and legends.

    For me the worst part was driving up to an office to be interviewed by a Canadian agent.
  5. mitrucker

    mitrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Lapeer, MI
    I guess I am curious as to why you think you need a FAST card. Other than not having to wait in line, I don’t know any other upside to having it.
  6. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    A FAST pass runs your name and criminal history and wants to see a Clean slate. If you did anything in the pass when you were 17 years old it will show up on the system. I've had a Clean record throughout my life and applied for a FAST pass 2 years ago and it still took 2 years. However, it's the roll of the dice when it comes to an appointment. I got mine later than expected but got it. But as they told me the carrier ha sto be FAST approved, Freight shipped FAST approved and you FAST approved. So unless they all align then you just have to lineup like everyone else. And to be honest, there's been tons of times drivers are racing for that FAST pass lineup and all border boths are open.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
    Reason for edit: Typo
    beastr123 Thanks this.
  7. mustang190

    mustang190 Road Train Member

    Jan 18, 2011
    Florida Panhandle
    When I fly I use my TWIC card, I go right through. I also use my military retired ID card for an extra measure.
    But I understand that illegals have an easier time getting through.
    RockinChair Thanks this.
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