I just spoke with a CRE trainer at Hershey in Ogden. He had an Afghani student. Another CRE there said at the school in PHX,it was beaucoup Iraqis.
What's the word on H1B visas for students from these countries?
Foreign Students?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by dieseltrooper, Aug 2, 2015.
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Might not be H1-B visa. Former President Bush let 100's of thousands of Iraqis immigrate to USA and President Obama let 10's of thousands of Afghans immigrate to USA plus a few thousand Muslim Rohingya boat people that were kicked out of Maylaysia.
dieseltrooper Thanks this. -
The trucking industry has drivers from cultures of all kinds. I have enjoyed having conversations with drivers who have spent parts of their lives in numerous other parts of the world. All in all, they are husbands and fathers (mostly) who have the same goals as we do. Putting a roof over their family's head, food on the table, clothes on their back, putting their kids through college, and retiring. Some face harsh prejudices from the people they interact with daily in this business. The Sikhs who you will recognize by their wearing of the turban, are seen by many with narrow views of the world as terrorists, although they are a peaceful god worshipping people from India. Some, whether from Eastern Europe, West Africa, South Asia, or the Caribbean, are scrutinized because of their accents and varying grasp of the English language. Many of them are quiet and keep to themselves because they are just trying to get to the next day without having something ignorant said or done to them. A smile and a greeting of "good morning" go a long way.
NavigatorWife, Slavi, misterG and 3 others Thank this. -
I said nothing disparaging about foreign drivers. Yes, I'm aware of the Sikhs and the misplaced anger directed at them.
The most intelligent convo I ever had with a driver from Ukraine. He was a vet and said he was afraid we would have to fight fedgov as it seemed, in his assessment, that US fedgov was becoming like the communists. Said he was ready to fight for freedom here... wish we had more like him.
I was only asking to alleviate my own ignorance of the subject.
Imo, anyone from overseas, esp ME or muslim countries, should be vetted and scrutinized as potential security risks.
A few motivated jihadists could create multiple mass-casualty attacks using trucks. -
If your motivated you won't need a cdl to use a truck as a wepon.
HorseShoe Thanks this. -
Guess it's that time again.........
HorseShoe Thanks this. -
I don't get it, a friend is trying to get cdl she just got her state drivers license 6 months ago at age 24. So how come foreign students can train for their cdl without any knowledge of driving in America but my freind has to wait a whole year before getting a cdl a?
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