Freightliner cascadia shifting issue

Discussion in 'Freightliner Forum' started by Varinder92, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. Varinder92

    Varinder92 Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2024
    I have a cacadia 2019 automatic.
    The problem is when i hook into a loaded trailer and put in drive it goes into 5th gear so i have to shift manually to first gear othervise i cannot move with the heavy load. I have to manually shift to first gear for first 2-3 full stops. After that it stops and departs in 1 gear.

    What could be the issue?
    Also truck acceleration is very slow but not sure if it is related to shifting issue
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  3. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    The Freightliners with automatic I drove did same thing when hooking to trailer. I believe it has some load sensing stuff on the transmission. It it just needs pulling the trailer to know it’s heavy again. You can put pedal to the floor bobtail and it won’t put crazy power to drive tires. The transmission have performance mode and that will change the shift point so it pulls more. If it’s available you and push the manual/automatic button on the stalk and it will show Performance mode on dash. If you have the pedal on the floor you can try pushing harder and it will click and go a little more to floor and activate Performance mode as long as you keep pedal to floor.
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