From Day One - Abilene Motor Express (Richmond, Wytheville, VA)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ScooterDawg, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Zen Trucker

    Zen Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    Meet and eat? I like the sound of that. :biggrin_25519:
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  3. ladyfire

    ladyfire Light Load Member

    Sep 6, 2010
    Greensboro, NC
    @wysrob, my bro-in-law did that. He's an assistant principal now and makes good money.

    @ScooterDawg, many thanks for the info.
  4. crptgnt

    crptgnt Bobtail Member

    ScooterDawg, just wanted to say congrats on the new job, and that you are doing a fine job with keeping us posted on this thread. Keep up the great work!!


    Stay Safe Out There.
    ScooterDawg Thanks this.
  5. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Ok, ok.... so I missed Day Two, and here I am at Day Three. Let me bring you up to speed....

    Day Two consisted of getting all the information about the Benefits (which includes Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, and Short and Long Term Disability). Abilene pays for the life insurance ($10,000 - but you can get up to $40K for a few bucks more / month), the long and short term disability, AND they pay HALF of your medical deductible. I was tickled to find out about that. We were given the Grande Tour of the facility, which includes showers and a laundry room for drivers. Then we were assigned our trucks.

    I ended up with a 2009 Volvo 780 with a work station. Being that I am going to be taking Max (my dog) on the road with me, they wanted to make sure that he was going to "behave" himself, hence the older truck. I am fine with that. If I was handing out trucks to perfect strangers, I would probably do the same thing. I was also told that this truck, lovingly named Geneve, would probably get pulled off the road in 6 months to a year. Then I would get a new truck (most likely another 780).

    The truck is in great condition, runs great, no mechanical issues whatsoever, and has a fridge. Rides good, has all sorts of power, and the seats are quite comfortable as well. I would say that the person that had it before me took really good care of it, but ALL of the trucks are in pretty much the same condition or better. Lots of storage space and head room too. I am very pleased with it.

    SO once I got the truck, I was touching base with the Terminal Manager and he asked me if I wanted to get rolling (my answer was obvious). They gave me a run up to Elkton, MD to do a drop and swap at the Flying J. My orders were to shutdown after doing so. Which I did. The other driver that I met was very pleasant and we talked for a few minutes, then headed for bed (bed slept well too). This morning, the plan was for me to run the trailer back to the yard in Richmond, drop it, and get a load out that would get me by the house to get some things (and Max).

    Being as they seem to have an incredible amount of freight, they asked (yes, asked) me if I would mind taking the load to its destination in Chesapeake, VA instead (which was fine with me). Only an extra hour and a half down the road. Went down there, dropped that trailer, picked up a pre-loaded trailer, and brought it back to the yard. Now I am kicked back in the sleeper with the TV muted, watching ol' Mitt and Barack matching wit.

    Tomorrow morning, I'll pick up a preload here on the yard going to Gallatin, TN. Don't have to deliver until Friday @ noon, so it gives me time to swing by and get my co-pilot and my stuff. Looks like a pretty light load too, so it'll be a cakewalk.

    Here's the kicker.... the guys in dispatch actually shook my had tonight and thanked me for stepping up to the plate and helping them out yesterday and today. I thought I was just doing my job. Guess it's been a while since a dispatcher showed me their appreciation. But it sure felt good. Pretty much an all-around statement about how the people are around here. Granted, I'm still in the "honeymoon phase", but I have found that typically, people in the trucking industry don't go out of their way like that.

    So I am very pleased. Abilene seems to be a very good fit for me. Good communication, good equipment, good miles, and good people.

    I'll let you know more as it becomes available.....

    Happy ARF!!!! (tail is a'wagging too!!!)
  6. crptgnt

    crptgnt Bobtail Member

    Congrats ScooterDawg. Great job, sounds to me like you made a great impression on them as they did on you. Like you said, you don't see that too often.

    Good Luck, and keep the great posts coming!!


    Stay Safe Out There.
    ScooterDawg Thanks this.
  7. BFL123

    BFL123 Light Load Member

    May 27, 2012
    gaffney, sc
    Good Thread. They have been advertising lots on Craigslist here in SC, and I've been wondering about them. Lots of old stuff on here but nothing current till now. What is the starting pay? and is there any chance of being home weekly? Thanks and keep the posts coming.
    ScooterDawg and Buzzard2157 Thank this.
  8. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Scooter, I also work at Abilene. I started about three weeks ago. So far sogood, I agree with everything you have posted. I followed your other threads back in the day. Look forward to meeting you sometime. Be safe.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
    ScooterDawg Thanks this.
  9. BFL123

    BFL123 Light Load Member

    May 27, 2012
    gaffney, sc
    Hi runningman, how's the home time and pay? I think I remember reading some stuff by you about Cheeseman. Thanks for any help or input.
    Buzzard2157 Thanks this.
  10. Zen Trucker

    Zen Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    Why is a company in VA named Abilene? :biggrin_25525:
  11. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    They are named after a small town in the hills of Virginia.
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